This repository is archived as `SELKS <>`_ is now based on Docker
Amsterdam is SELKS and Docker using Compose. The result of Amsterdam is a set of containers providing a complete Suricata IDS/NSM ecosystem:
- Suricata
- Elasticsearch
- Logstash
- Kibana
- Scirius
- Evebox (
The ELK stack is created using the official docker images. Communication between logstash and suricata is done via a share directory (from the host). The same applies to scirius and suricata where the /etc/suricata/rules directory is shared.
You can install amsterdam from the source directory by running
sudo python install
Or you can use pip to install latest released version
sudo pip install amsterdam
You need to install Docker. On Debian
sudo apt-get install docker-compose python-pip python-docker sudo pip install amsterdam
On Ubuntu, you can run
sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo pip install amsterdam
To sniff the wlan0 interface and store data and config in the ams directory, you can run
amsterdam -d ams -i wlan0 setup amsterdam -d ams start
As of now the start command will take really long on first run as it will fetch from Docker hub all the necessary images and build some custom containers.
Subsequent run should take less than 1 minute.
You can then connect to:
- https://localhost/ on scirius with scirius/scirius as login/password
- https://localhost/kibana/ on kibana
- https://localhost/evebox/ on evebox
The HTTPS server is accessible from outside so you can connect to IP or hostname from there. So don't forget to change the default password.
To stop the amsterdam instance, run
amsterdam -d ams stop
To remove an amsterdam instance in directory hacklu, run
amsterdam -d ~/builds/amsterdam/hacklu/ rm
and remove the data directory if you want to delete data.
For installation done via, you can just update the source code and rerun the installation procedure
git pull sudo python install
For installation done via pip, one can run
pip install --upgrade --no-deps amsterdam
When code is updated (new suricata package or new ELK versions), you can run (supposing your suricata listen on eth0)
amsterdam -d ams -i eth0 update
Then, you can restart the services
amsterdam -d ams restart
To do a complete update including Docker recipes and configuration files
amsterdam -d ams -f -i eth0 update
The configuration are stored in the config directory. For now only scirius, logstash and suricata are configured that way.
To do so, simply edit docker-compose.yml in the data directory and uncomment and set the path to the scirius source tree. You will also need to copy the in config/scirius directory to in scirius subdirectory of your scirius source.
Once done, you can restart the services
amsterdam -d ams restart
Run a migration inside the container
docker exec ams_scirius_1 python /opt/selks/scirius/ migrate
Backups in the scirius container are shared with the host. /var/backups directory is shared in $basepath/backups on the host.
To start a backup, run
docker exec ams_scirius_1 python /opt/selks/scirius/ scbackup
To restore a backup and erase all your data, you can run
docker exec ams_scirius_1 python /opt/selks/scirius/ screstore docker exec ams_scirius_1 python /opt/selks/scirius/ migrate
This will restore the latest backup. To choose another backup, indicate a backup filename as first argument. To get list of available backup, use
docker exec ams_scirius_1 python /opt/selks/scirius/ listbackups
You can not restore a backup to a scirius which is older than the one where the backup has been done.