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A collection of scripts to ease Vagrant box provisioning using the shell.


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A collection of scripts (Ubuntu-only at this time) to ease Vagrant box provisioning using the shell method.


  1. Place on top of your Vagrantfile before Vagrant.configure(..):

    require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'path/to/vagrant-shell-scripts/vagrant')
  2. Place at the end of your Vagrantfile before the last end:

    config.vm.provision :shell do |shell|
  3. Place on top of your provisioning script:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    <%= import '' %>



  • script-argument-create(value, expected)

    Return the value of the first argument or exit with an error message if empty.


    MYSQL_DBNAME=$( script-argument-create "$1" 'a MySQL database name as the first argument' )


  • nameservers-local-purge

    Drop all local 10.0.x.x nameservers in resolv.conf.

  • nameservers-append(ip)

    Set up an IP as a DNS name server if not already present in resolv.conf.

    Example (set up Google DNS):

    nameservers-append ''
    nameservers-append ''


  • apt-mirror-pick(iso2)

    Set up a specific two-letter country code as the preferred aptitude mirror.

    Example (use Ubuntu Bulgaria as a mirror):

    apt-mirror-pick 'bg'
  • apt-packages-repository(repository[, repository[, ...]][, key[, server = '']])

    Add a custom repository as a software source.

    Each repository is a line as it would appear in your /etc/apt/sources.list file, e.g., deb URL DISTRIBUTION CATEGORY.

    key and server are the signing key and server. You need to add the key to your system so Ubuntu can verify the packages from the repository.

    Example (install MongoDB from official repositories):

    apt-packages-repository 'deb dist 10gen' '7F0CEB10'
    apt-packages-install mongodb-10gen
  • apt-packages-ppa(repository[, key[, server = '']])

    Add a Launchpad PPA as a software source.

    The repository is the Launchpad user and project name, e.g., chris-lea/node.js.

    key and server are the signing key and server. The key needs to added to your system so Ubuntu can verify the packages from the PPA.

    Example (install Node.js from unofficial PPA):

    apt-packages-ppa 'chris-lea/node.js'
    apt-packages-install \
      nodejs             \
  • apt-packages-update

    Update aptitude packages without any prompts.

  • apt-packages-install(package[, package[, ...]])

    Perform an unattended installation of package(s).


    apt-packages-install     \
      apache2-mpm-worker     \
      apache2-suexec-custom  \
      mysql-server-5.1       \
      libapache2-mod-fastcgi \
  • apt-packages-purge(package[, package[, ...]])

    Perform an unattended complete removal (purge) of package(s).

    Example (purge apache2 unnecessarily installed as part of the php5 meta-package):

    apt-packages-install php5
    apt-packages-purge 'apache2*'


  • system-upgrade()

    Run a complete system upgrade. Be extremely careful as this operation can break packages, e.g., VirtualBox Guest Additions if a new kernel is installed.


  • system-service(name, action)

    Command a system service, e.g., apache2, mysql, etc.


    system-service php5-fpm restart
  • system-escape([glue = '-'])

    Escape and normalize a string so it can be used safely in file names, etc. You can optionally specify glue to be a different character, e.g., an underscore _ if you are using the result as part of a variable name.


    echo "Hello World!" | system-escape  # prints 'hello-world'

Default Commands

  • alternatives-ruby-install(version[, bin_path = '/usr/bin/'[, man_path = '/usr/share/man/man1/'[, priority = 500]]])

    Update the Ruby binary link to point to a specific version.


    apt-packages-install \
      ruby1.9.1          \
      ruby1.9.1-dev      \
    alternatives-ruby-install 1.9.1
  • alternatives-ruby-gems()

    Create symbolic links to RubyGems binaries.

    By default, RubyGems on Ubuntu does not create binaries on $PATH. Using this function would create a symbolic link in the directory of your ruby binary which is assumed to be on $PATH.

    Example (install stable versions of Sass and link it as /usr/bin/sass):

    apt-packages-install \
      ruby1.9.1          \
      ruby1.9.1-dev      \
    alternatives-ruby-install 1.9.1
    github-gems-install 'nex3/sass'
    alternatives-ruby-gems 'sass'


  • apache-modules-enable(module[, module[, ...]])

    Enable a list of Apache modules. This requires a server restart.

  • apache-modules-disable(module[, module[, ...]])

    Disable a list of Apache modules. This requires a server restart.

  • apache-sites-enable(name[, name[, ...]])

    Enable a list of Apache sites. This requires a server restart.

  • apache-sites-disable(name[, name[, ...]])

    Disable a list of Apache sites. This requires a server restart.

  • [PHP=/path/to/binary] apache-sites-create(name[, path = name[, user = name[, group = user[, verbosity = info]]]])

    Create a new Apache site and set up Fast-CGI components.

    The function creates a new file under sites-available/name where name is the first argument to the function.

    To set up Fact-CGI, a new directory .cgi-bin is created in path if it doesn't already exist.

    The virtual host is pointed to path or /name if path is omitted.

    SuExec is required and a user and group options are set up so permissions can work properly.

    If you prefix the function with PHP=/path/to/binary, PHP will be enabled through a Fast-CGI script in .cgi-bin. You must have PHP installed.

    Example (create a new vagrant website from /vagrant and enable PHP):

    PHP=/usr/bin/php-cgi apache-sites-create 'vagrant'
    apache-sites-enable vagrant
  • apache-restart

    Restart the Apache server and reload with new configuration.


    apache-modules-enable actions rewrite fastcgi suexec


  • nginx-sites-enable(name[, name[, ...]])

    Enable a list of Nginx sites. This requires a server restart.

  • nginx-sites-disable(name[, name[, ...]])

    Disable a list of Nginx sites. This requires a server restart.

  • [PHP=any-value] nginx-sites-create(name[, path = name[, user = name[, group = user[, index = 'index.html'[, verbosity = info]]]]])

    Create a new Nginx site and set up Fast-CGI components.

    The function creates a new file under sites-available/name where name is the first argument to the function.

    The virtual host is pointed to path or /name if path is omitted.

    If you prefix the function with PHP=any-value, PHP will be enabled through a PHP-FPM. You must have php5-fpm installed.

    The arguments user and group are used to re-configure PHP-FPM's default www pool to run under the given account.

    You can optionally specify space-separated directory index files to look for if a file name wasn't specified in the request.

    Example (create a new vagrant website from /vagrant and enable PHP):

    PHP=/usr/bin/php5-fpm nginx-sites-create 'vagrant'
    nginx-sites-enable vagrant


  • php-settings-update(name, value)

    Update a PHP setting value. This function will look for all php.ini files in /etc. For each file, a conf.d directory would be created in the parent directory (if one doesn't already exist) and inside a file specifying the setting name/value will be placed.

    Example (create a default timezone):

    php-settings-update 'date.timezone' 'Europe/London'
  • php-pecl-install(extension[, extension[, ...]])

    Install (download, build, install) and enable a PECL extension.

    You may optionally specify the state/version using '@version'.

    Example (install MongoDB driver):

    apt-packages-install \
      php5-dev           \
    php-pecl-install mongo
    # Install a specific version of 'proctitle'.
    php-pecl-install proctitle@0.1.2
  • php-fpm-restart

    Restart the PHP5-FPM server.


  • mysql-database-create(name[, charset = 'utf8'[, collision = 'utf8_general_ci']])

    Create a database if one doesn't already exist.

  • mysql-database-restore(name, path)

    Restore a MySQL database from an archived backup.

    This function scans for files in path (non-recursive) that match the format:


    e.g., 20120101-1200.tar.bz2. The matching files are sorted based on the file name and the newest one is picked.

    If the database name is empty, i.e., it doesn't contain any tables, the latest backup is piped to mysql.

    Example (where /database-backups is shared from Vagrantfile):

    mysql-database-restore 'project' '/database-backups'
  • mysql-remote-access-allow

    Allow remote passwordless root access for anywhere.

    This is only a good idea if the box is configured in 'Host-Only' network mode.

  • mysql-restart

    Restart the MySQL server and reload with new configuration.


  • ruby-gems-version(package)

    Check the installed version of a package, if any.

    When a package is not installed, 0.0.0 is returned.

  • ruby-gems-install(package[, arg[, ...]])

    Perform an unattended installation of a package.

    If a package is already installed, it will not be re-installed or upgraded.


    apt-packages-install \
      ruby1.9.1          \
      ruby1.9.1-dev      \
    alternatives-ruby-install 1.9.1
    ruby-gems-install pkg-config
    ruby-gems-install sass --version '3.2.1'

NPM (Node Package Manager)

  • npm-packages-install(package[, package[, ...]])

    Perform an unattended global installation of package(s).

    Example (install UglifyJS):

    apt-packages-ppa 'chris-lea/node.js'
    apt-packages-install \
      nodejs             \
    npm-packages-install uglify-js


  • github-gems-install(repository[, repository[, ...]])

    Download and install RubyGems from GitHub.

    The format of each repository is user/project[@branch] where branch can be omitted and defaults to master.

    If a package is already installed, it will not be re-installed or upgraded.

    Example (install unstable versions of Sass and Compass):

    apt-packages-install \
      ruby1.9.1          \
      ruby1.9.1-dev      \
    alternatives-ruby-install 1.9.1
    github-gems-install              \
      'ttilley/fssm'                 \
      'nex3/sass@master'             \
      'wvanbergen/chunky_png'        \
  • github-php-extension-install(specification[, specification[, ...]])

    Download and install PHP extensions from GitHub.

    The specification is a string which contains the repository name (mandatory), version (optional) and ./configure arguments (optional): repository@version --option --option argument

    Example (install native PHP Redis extension from GitHub):

    github-php-extension-install 'nicolasff/phpredis'
    # Use a specific commit and pass arguments to `./configure`.
    github-php-extension-install 'nicolasff/phpredis@5e5fa7895f --enable-redis-igbinary'


  • env-append(env_key, env_value[, env_comment])

    Append an environment line to the global Bash/Zsh profile.

    env_key can be anything, but the following values have special meaning:

    • PATH - extend the PATH environment variable with a new directory,
    • source - include an external file (be careful not to set -e).

    Any other key would be exported when a new session is initialized.

    Example (set JAVA_HOME for scripts that rely on it):

    env-append 'JAVA_HOME' "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-$( uname -i )"
    # $ tail -2 /etc/profile
    # [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ] && export JAVA_HOME='/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386'


The file provides useful but rarely used commands.


  • archive-file-unpack(file[, directory])

    Unpack the given archive file in directory (created if missing). The format is guessed from the file extension.


    archive-file-unpack 'rsync-HEAD.tar.gz' '/tmp/'

Packages (e.g., ZIP distributions)

  • package-ignore-preserve(package_name, package_path, preserved_path)

    Read a .gitignore file in the given package_path and remove matching files in {preserved_path}/{package_name}-*. This is useful when the contents of an unpacked archive are to be copied over a version-controlled directory and certain files should not be overwritten.


    package-ignore-preserve 'hadoop' 'vendor/hadoop' '/tmp/hadoop-download'
  • package-uri-download(uri[, target])

    Download the file at uri to the given directory target or STDOUT.


    package-uri-download '' '/tmp'
  • package-uri-install(package_name, package_uri[, package_index[, package_path[, package_version]]])

    Download, unpack and install the package at package_uri to package_path. This function does a lot internally and can be used to automate installations of certain ZIP distributions. The URI and path support placeholders:

    • %name will be substituted with the package_name,
    • %path for package_path,
    • %version for package_version.

    package_index should be a file which determines if the package has already been installed. It would usually point to a binary file inside the distribution archive. If omitted, it defaults to {package_path}/bin/{package_name}.

    If package_path is omitted, a variable {PACKAGE_NAME}_PATH is expected. E.g., if package_name is 'rsync' a variable named RSYNC_PATH must exist. If package_version is omitted, a variable {PACKAGE_NAME}_VERSION is expected.

    Requires curl to be installed.

    Example (installing Node.js from binary distribution):

    # {{{ Configuration
    # }}}
    # Download and install Node.js from the official website.
    package-uri-install 'node' "${NODE_PLATFORM}.tar.gz"
    # Download and install PhantomJS from the official website.
    package-uri-install 'phantomjs' "${PHANTOMJS_PLATFORM}.tar.bz2"
    # Node.js installed as:   /vagrant/vendor/node/bin/node
    # PhantomJS installed as: /vagrant/vendor/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs

Temporary Files

  • temporary-cleanup(tmp_path[, ...])

    Delete the contents of each tmp_path and halt script with the exit code of the last executed command.

    Example (compile a project and clean up on failure):

    TMP_PATH="$( mktemp -d -t 'package-XXXXXXXX' )"
    git clone 'git://' "$TMP_PATH"
    (                         \
      cd "$TMP_PATH"       && \
      ./configure          && \
      make && make install    \
    ) || temporary-cleanup "$TMP_PATH"


The file provides functions for manipulating a PostgreSQL server instance.

  • postgres-remote-access-allow()

    Allow remote access for the private network ( through

    This is only a good idea if the box is configured in 'Host-Only' network mode.

  • postgres-password-reset(password)

    Reset the postgres user server password. This also allows password-based authentication.


    postgres-password-reset 'password'
  • postgres-autovacuum-on()

    Turn autovacuuming on.

  • postgres-template-encoding(encoding = 'UTF8'[, ctype = 'en_GB.utf8'[, collate = ctype]])

    Set the default database encoding and collision. Newly created databases will inherit those properties.

    Example (use UTF-8 for all new databases):

    postgres-template-encoding 'UTF8' 'en_GB.utf8'


The file provides functions for manipulating an SMTP server instance using Postfix.

  • smtp-sink-install(directory[, template = '%Y%m%d/%H%M.'[, port = 25[, user = 'vagrant'[, service = 'smtp-sink'[, backlog = 10]]]]])

    Hassle-free SMTP in development. Create a new system service which logs all outgoing e-mails to disk.

    directory specifies the process root directory.
    The single-message files are created by expanding the template via strftime(3) and appending a pseudo-random hexadecimal number (example: "%Y%m%d%H/%M." expands into "2006081203/05.809a62e3"). If the template contains "/" characters, missing directories are created automatically.

    port specifies the port on which to listen.
    user switches the user privileges after opening the network socket. The user must have permissions to write in directory.

    service is an optional name of the system Upstart service. A file with this name is created under /etc/init/.

    backlog specifies the maximum length the queue of pending connections, as defined by the listen(2) system call.

    Example (log all messages to the mail/ directory in the project root):

    smtp-sink-install '/vagrant/mail'

    The logged messages can be read using Thunderbird (append .eml to the file name).


The following variables can be defined before including the script:

  • SUDO[ = 'sudo']

    Specify the prefix for all super-user commands. If your system is configured with no sudo command, use an empty value.

    Example (set up Google DNS on a system with no sudo command):

    nameservers-append ''
    nameservers-append ''
  • COLORS[ = 'always']

    Use terminal escape codes to print colourised output. If you wish to disable this, use a value other than {always,yes,true,1}.

    Example (turn off colours in output):



As I explore different OSes, I hope to add support for more platforms.

The functions should remain the same, so provisioning scripts are somewhat 'portable'.

Full Example

The provisioning script below sets up Apache, SuExec, a virtual host for /vagrant (the default share) and remote root access to MySQL.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# {{{ Ubuntu utilities

<%= import 'vagrant-shell-scripts/' %>

# }}}

# Use Google Public DNS for resolving domain names.
# The default is host-only DNS which may not be installed.
nameservers-append ''
nameservers-append ''

# Use a local Ubuntu mirror, results in faster downloads.
apt-mirror-pick 'bg'

# Update packages cache.

# Install VM packages.
apt-packages-install     \
  apache2-mpm-worker     \
  apache2-suexec-custom  \
  mysql-server-5.1       \
  libapache2-mod-fastcgi \
  php5-cgi               \
  php5-gd                \

# Allow modules for Apache.
apache-modules-enable actions rewrite fastcgi suexec

# Replace the default Apache site.
PHP=/usr/bin/php-cgi apache-sites-create 'vagrant'
apache-sites-disable default default-ssl
apache-sites-enable vagrant

# Restart Apache web service.

# Allow unsecured remote access to MySQL.

# Restart MySQL service for changes to take effect.


Copyright (c) 2012 Stan Angeloff. See for details.


A collection of scripts to ease Vagrant box provisioning using the shell.







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