"Fric" is french slang for money.
This is a FE8U hack that makes the following changes to the game:
- You start with 776 gold.
- Getting to 0 gold causes a Game Over
- Gold amount is displayed instead of goal (you probably know FE8 well enough to not need that, and even then you can always check the status screen).
- Each deployed unit cost a certain amount of gold per turn to the player. Amount gets higher the stronger the unit is(*).
- Cost per turn is displayed on the stat screen.
- Item have unlimited uses. Instead, using items cost gold. The more a specific item has been used, the more gold it will cost to use it again (maxed out at twice the base cost after 50 uses).
- Cost per use is displayed instead of uses.
- Gaining exp also means gaining money. (at a rate of twice the gained exp)
- Money gained is displayed on top of the exp bar during map anims.
This was made at the occasion of 2020 April Fools.
(*): Unit "strength" is measured with their stats (some stats (such as speed) are weighed more than others (such as luck)) and weapon ranks. Having status and rescuing anyone also increase a unit's cost per turn.
- Battle preview doesn't show doubling when using a weapon that hasn't been used yet (including enemy weapons).
- Gold gained isn't displayed with battle anims on.