A shared linting and formatter configurations. Uses Prettier and ESLint. Pre-configured for you to easily plug into your codebases.
Configurations are opinionated and strict. We aim to catch as many possible mistakes or elements we consider harmful practices early. Some rules are meant to be broken once in a while, with an explanation comment around them.
Install dependencies:
npm install --save-dev prettier eslint @stanfordspezi/spezi-web-configurations
Create eslint.config.js
const { getEslintConfig } = require('@stanfordspezi/spezi-web-configurations')
module.exports = getEslintConfig({ tsconfigRootDir: __dirname })
Create .prettierrc.js
const { prettierConfig } = require("@stanfordspezi/spezi-web-configurations");
module.exports = prettierConfig;
Now, when you run eslint . --fix
, code is going to be linted and formatted.
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This project is developed as part of the Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign at Stanford University. See CONTRIBUTORS.md for a full list of all Next.js Template contributors.