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Pos Tagging

This is a tool meant for tagging words with their part-of-speech, a grammatical category based on their function within a sentence, such as noun, adjective, verb, and so forth.

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To check if you have a compatible version of Java installed, use the following command:

java -version

If you don't have a compatible version, you can download either Oracle JDK or OpenJDK


To check if you have Maven installed, use the following command:

mvn --version

To install Maven, you can follow the instructions here.


Install the latest version of Git.

Download Code

In order to work on code, create a fork from GitHub page. Use Git for cloning the code to your local or below line for Ubuntu:

git clone <your-fork-git-link>

A directory called PosTagger will be created. Or you can use below link for exploring the code:

git clone

Open project with IntelliJ IDEA

Steps for opening the cloned project:

  • Start IDE
  • Select File | Open from main menu
  • Choose PosTagger/pom.xml file
  • Select open as project option
  • Couple of seconds, dependencies with Maven will be downloaded.


From IDE

After being done with the downloading and Maven indexing, select Build Project option from Build menu. After compilation process, user can run PosTagger.

From Console

Go to PosTagger directory and compile with

 mvn compile 

Generating jar files

From IDE

Use package of 'Lifecycle' from maven window on the right and from PosTagger root module.

From Console

Use below line to generate jar file:

 mvn install

Maven Usage


Detailed Description


To train the PosTagger which is used for English pos tagging

void train(PosTaggedCorpus corpus)

To save the trained PosTagger model

void saveModel()

To load an already trained PosTagger model

void loadModel()

To tag a sentence, using a newly trained or loaded PosTagger model

Sentence posTag(Sentence sentence)

3 different PosTagger models are supported: The one that is used to tag the sentences with a random tag


the one that tags the word with the most used tag for a given word


the one that does an Hmm based training and tags the words accordingly
