Step 1: Install Java on your machine Step 2: set ENV variables JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_xxx" Step 3: Append JAVA_HOME to path. %JAVE_HOME%\bin
Step 4: download and extract MAVEN to "C:\Program Files" Step 5: Set ENV variables MAVEN_HOME = "C:\Program Files" Step 6: Append JAVA_HOME to path. %MAVEN_HOME%\bin
IF starting from scratch
Step 7: open IntelliJ, start new project as Maven Step 8: Add dependancies to pom.xml Step 9: File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> Dependancies -> + (add new dependancy) -> Library -> From Maven a: org.testng:testng:7.3.0 b:<most recent 4.3.0> c:<most recent 4.3.0> d:<most recent 4.3.0>
IF using git
Step 7: create workspace directory with terminal, cd to directory copy html link from gitlab -> clone button in terminal, type "git clone " then paste html clone path Step 8: start up IntelliJ, open the /JavaStuff/JavaRestAssuredApiTesting/pom.xlm AS PROJECT
Step 9: run