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Tuto Background
This is the API you should use by default as it's easy to use and allow to handle large background map.
Internally it uses the MAP resource (compiled as MapDefinition) which is optimized to encode large background level data using limited ROM place.
You can find more info about MAP resource in rescomp.txt file).
So let's see how that works..
First you need to define the MAP resource (_.res file) representing your level background:
TILESET bga_tileset "gfx/S1_GHZ1_FG.png" BEST ALL
MAP bga_map "gfx/S1_GHZ1_FG.png" bga_tileset BEST
As you can see, MAP resource requires the TILESET resource to be defined first (bga_tileset here), I did that way so you can share your TILESET resource with several MAP resources. -
Then on code part, you need to create your Map object from the MapDefinition (generated from MAP resource):
Map* bga = MAP_create(&bga_map, BG_A, TILE_ATTR_FULL(0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TILE_USER_INDEX));
Note than if you used compression for your MAP resource SGDK will need to unpack it in memory so be sure to have enough memory for that first. If the map is too large to fit in memory unpacked, then just disable compression on MAP resource definition. -
Now you created the Map object, you can just use
MAP_scrollTo(bga, x, y)
to scroll your background at the specified x, y position :) -
When you're done with the Map just use
to release it.
And that is ! You don't need more than that to actually get your background plan scrolling :)
If you want more control on your backgrounds, you may eventually use the lower level API (all methods starting with VDP_) but SGDK doesn't provide efficient resource type to encode large backgrounds using the low level API, it's up to you to find solutions for that.
WARNING: The following tutorial is terribly outdated (a bunch of constants / methods have been renamed). Also the presented methods are just to help understanding how it works under the hood but it's highly recommended to use the IMAGE resource to define your graphical data and use VDP_loadTileSet(..)
and VDP_setTileMapxx(..)
methods to work with them.
We will work a proper tutorial about it later, right now it's better to stick with high level API or read others SGDK tutorials explaining how to use IMAGE resource.
If you read documents linked on first part, you should know how to write more than 'Hello World' on screen :
- the Genny redraws 2 planes on refresh (+ a third one for the sprites)
- each plane is filled with 8x8 pixel tile
- each plane can be a maximum of 4,096 tiles in memory (at dimensions 32x32, 32x64, 64x64, or 32x128, with up to 40x28 visible on screen)
- each plane is filled from left to right and top to bottom
- each tile could be used several times in any plane, with the same pal or not
- each tile could be used with any of the 4 pal available
- each tile could be drawn flipped, w/o more memory
- a very important amount of tiles could be loaded using DMA
Some other data you should know :
- one tile is made of 32bytes : 4byte per line
- each pixel of the tile is so a 4bit value which is the color index, from 0x0 to 0xF
- the first tile (tile 0) on VRAM will be used to fill the background
- SGDK initialize enough space on VRAM for 1310 tiles (+ 96 for the font)
- a tile is also called a pattern or a char
- a tile on screen isn't removed on refresh (i.e. no need to draw it each refresh!)
- a pal is 16 colors wide
So, the steps to draw a tile on screen are the following
- load the tile on VRAM (we don't bother about DMA yet)
- load its pal (if not already loaded)
- plot it on the selected plane, at (x,y) with the wanted pal
But first, we need a tile !
Rescomp and others tools made by the community (Genitile, B2T, GenRes, Mega-Happy-Sprite...) let you convert a 16 color bitmap in Genny's tile and pal.
But, to learn, we'll first make it the hard way : pure C Array !
const u32 tile[8]=
Our tile is only made of color 0, 1, 2 & 4.
Now, just follow the steps
// ... code
//we load our unique tile data at position 1 on VRAM
VDP_loadTileData( (const u32 *)tile, 1, 1, 0);
//we'll use one of the pre-loaded pal for now
//write our tile 1 on plane A at (5,5) with pal 0
VDP_setTileMapXY(BG_A, 1, 5, 5);
// ... code
// ... code
The tile is so drawn on screen using some fade of grey...but what about flipping and pal ?
The 2nd argument of VDP_setTileMapXY
function could be more than only the tile index.
It is, in fact, the tile properties : pal index, priority, V-flipping, H-flipping, and tile index.
So, to write it flipped green on B plane, you could write
// ... code
//PAL2 = green pal
// 0 = low priority
// 1 = vflip
// 0 = no hflip
// 1 = tile 1
VDP_setTileMapXY(BG_B, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL2, 0, 1, 0, 1), 6, 5);
// ... code
It's now time to talk about the priority flag.
This flag tell which plane is behind the others (even more complex if you add sprites !).
A powerful feature of the Genny is to let the developer define the planes order at the tile level.
It means a tile on A plane could be in front of a tile on B plane at (x,y) and inverse the priority at (n,m).
You could easily see the power of this when scrolling planes at different speed for example.
// ... code
// the same tile is drawn on the 2 plane but with different pal and priority...which one is in front ?
VDP_setTileMapXY(BG_A, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL1, 1, 0, 0, 1), 7, 7);
VDP_setTileMapXY(BG_B, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL2, 0, 0, 0, 1), 7, 7);
VDP_setTileMapXY(BG_A, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL1, 0, 0, 0, 1), 8, 7);
VDP_setTileMapXY(BG_B, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL2, 1, 0, 0, 1), 8, 7);
// ... code
Here, at (7,7) plane A is in front of plane B but, at (8,7), plane B is in front of plane A.
But, what will happen if the planes get the same priority ?
The default order is kept: plane A is in front of plane B.
To fill a screen, you have to draw each tile one by one !
Very boring but, hopefully, SGDK came to the rescue with VDP_fillTileMapRect
// ... code
// fill a 8x8 square of blue tile at (12,12)
VDP_fillTileMapRect(BG_B, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL3, 0, 0, 0, TILE1), 12, 12, 8, 8);
// ... code
Download : Basic tiles project
It will be hard to make a game using one and unique tile.
We'll try now to draw this moon on screen
2 important things to check before to continue
- the bitmap size should be 8 pixel aligned (i.e. : 64x32 is good where 67x31 isn't)
- the bitmap should be 4bpp or 8bpp and respect megadrive color constraints (16 colors per tile and no more than 64 colors at max)...
For this moon, you will have 8x8 tiles loaded.
SGDK is able to handle many type of resources file (PNG file are also accepted), you just need to define them in a .res file and rescomp will compile them (see rescomp.txt to see how to define your resources) and generate a 'name_of_res_file.hand a
is the object form of your compiled resources.
contains the resource declarations and let you access, for instance, your bitmap image as a Bitmap data structure.
So, after compiling the moon as an IMAGE in the .res file, and including moon.h
, you could load the bitmap on VRAM and immediately draw it this way.
#include "moon.h"
int main( )
// get the palette data of moon
VDP_setPalette(PAL1, moon.palette->data);
// load bitmap data of moon in VRAM and draw
VDP_drawImageEx(BG_A, &moon, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL1, 0, 0, 0, 1), 12, 12, 0, CPU);
return 0;
Download : Bitmap tiles project
If you use a large amount of tiles, we strongly suggest you to compress them (using RLE, huffman, ...).
Compression is defined at resource declaration level, the last parameter of BITMAP resource allow you to define which type of compression to use (see rescomp.txt file for more details).
One useful way to test your tile engine is through Gens KMod.
You could explore the VRAM and trace any issue.