An application to take notes.
- Typescript programming language
- React web framework
- Styled Components for styling
- React hook form for creating forms
- React router dom for application routing
- Framer Motion for handling animations
- Dexie IndexedDB framework
- Editor.js editor
Applies clean architecture principles
- src/application
contains app login
- Shared state (recoil and react context)
- Business logic
- src/infrastructure contains app infrastructure setup
- Database (IndexedDB) configuration
- src/presentation
Contains ui (React) components. Follows the atomic design principles
- common has reusable components - mainly atoms and molecules
- pages has the components for the pages
- src/shared
Contains shared code
- interfaces
- enums
- src/ui
Contains styling and themes code
- style
- theme
- src/utils Utilities library
Hosted on netlify Uses Netlify CI/CD