This is a major release. The focus this time has been on robustness and testing.
Hopefully, it shows. The software has also been relicensed to be BSD-3, which
is a more permissive license and is the same one that numpy, scipy, and
matplotlib use.
Unfortunately, the GUI is more complicated.
- For open source projects : GPL 2/3
- For companies that pay a license to Riverbank : proprietary
- For companies that don't pay a license fee : GPL 2/3
However, you may distribute an unmodified binary.
- Dropping Python 3.3 support
- Adding Python 3.6 support
- Supports Python 2.7, 3.4-3.6
- preliminary random results (ATO/CRM/PSD/RMS/NO)
- improved geometry support
- MONPNT1/MONPNT3 reading
- MATPOOL matrices
F06 scripts
- added a preliminary flutter (SOL 145) parser
- supports multiple subcases
- PK and PKNL methods supported
- input/output units
- mode switching not fixed yet
- added a preliminary flutter (SOL 145) parser
- complex displacement support
- animation support
- vector results (real/complex)
- SPC Forces, MPC Forces, Load Vector, Applied Load
- minimal control presently
- No Grid Point Forces (e.g., freebody loads, interface loads)
- SPC Forces, MPC Forces, Load Vector, Applied Load
- signficant speedups
312 cards supported
faster node transforms using:
>>> icd_transform, icp_transform, xyz_cp, nid_cp_cd = get_displacement_index_xyz_cp_cd(dtype='float64, sort_ids=True) >>> xyz_cid0 = transform_xyzcp_to_xyz_cid(xyz_cp, icp_transform, cid=0, in_place=False)
simplified card adding
>>> model.add_grid(nid, xyz=[4.,5.,6.], comment='nid, cp, x, y, z')
comments can now be created without worrying about
signs>>> model.add_card(['GRID', 10, None, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0], comment='GRID comment\ngrid,nid,cp,x,y,z')
$GRID comment $grid,nid,cp,x,y,z GRID,10,,4.0,5.0,6.0
- unit conversion
- buttons for picking, rotation center, distance
- PyQt5 support
- QScintilla & pygments support for scripting code editor
Matlab integration
- pyNastran works with Matlab 2014a+