A weekend project to set up a tiny REST API using Kotlin. Just a few routes for #, login, and logout.
- Kotlin
- Gradle with Kotlin DSL
- Javalin web framework
- KTorm OPR
- Postgres
- Docker
All the latest and greatest versions as of this commit
docker compose up
The all runs on port 8765
Then POST /users with this body:
"email": "myemail@myemail.me",
"password": "testAS81!!ash"
To start the app, you'll need a running Postgres server. To start it up:
docker compose up postgres
The schema is created in sql/create-db.sql
I used Amazon Correct 19 for the JDK. I suggest you do the same.
If you are using IntelliJ, there is a run configuration set up for you called WebApp.
If you want to build and run using CLI:
./gradlew build
java -jar build/libs/app.jar
To build the app's dockerfile:
docker build -t javalin-app .
You can then run this via
docker run -p 8765:8765 javalin-app
There is a small package of test requests. To run those:
newman run test/tests.postman_collection.json
This is a decent starting point for a web app. But there is so much more that would need to be done in order to make it production-grade. In no particular order:
This app uses simple password hashing with a salt and API tokens provided in the request body. Don't use that. Sleep better and give users a better experience with something like OAuth 2. Decide between using API keys, sessions, JWTs (or some hybrid). Make your life easier by using a service like Okta or the great products offered by every cloud provider.
Here is a nice article although it's it a bit heavy on the marketing side for Okta.
Self-describing API
I would use Open API to define the service API. With that, we could:
- Generate request/response payload classes
- Generate routing code on the server
- Create clients in multiple languages. A CI/CD process would generate, test, and publish these to various repositories.
I got a little lazy with the validation after not finding a good turnkey solution. Every input field should be validated and it should be simple for devs to configure it.
Tests are missing. Given time, I would add unit test coverage. More importantly, I would implement full integration tests that use a live database with seed data.
- Logging
- Database migrations
- Frontend
- Idempotency
- Profiling
- Monitoring