This blog is a project created by GRILLON Steven, as part of Professional License formation.
This is a blog with some security, you can create update and delete an article if you are logged in with the user that created the article.
You can see all article published or yours not necessarily published.
You can find all your articles in See my articles
even they are not published
You can like articles that you didn't create and find them in your user interface as My Favorite Articles
You can switch theme (Dark / Light)
PHP 7.3.5 (version in which the project was created, an earlier version (at least 7) will have to work)
Database SQLITE you may need to enable sqlite in your php.ini
To clone and run this project, you'll need Git, Composer and Symfony. From your command line:
Clone this repository
$ git clone
Go into the repository
$ cd blog_symfony
Install dependencies
$ composer install
Init Database
Make a file in var called data.db
$ php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
Load fixtures
$ php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Launch PHP Server (DEV Only)
$ symfony server:start
and then you can go on http://localhost:8000