Entrenous is a project created by Steven GRILLON (StevenGrl), Edwin GERARD (EdwinGerard), Arnaud GAUTHIER (Vilcka), Xavier MECKLER (xmeckler) and Damien SIDERA (Neimax) under the direction of the WILD CODE SCHOOL started on May 15, 2018 and finished on July 6 2018.
Entrenous par Entreloups operates as a website providing membership software, allowing its users to schedule events using a common platform.
PHP 7.1;
Web-server (Apache or Nginx);
Database (MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL);
To clone and run this project, you'll need Git, Composer and NPM. From your command line:
Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/WildCodeSchool/orleans-0218-entreloups.git
Go into the repository
$ cd orleans-0218-entreloups
Install dependencies
$ composer install
$ npm install
Initiate Project $ php bin/console doctrine:database:create $ php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Compile Webpack for CSS and JS $ npm run dev (for dev environment) $ npm run build (for prod environment)
Launch Server PHP $ php bin/console server:run (DEV Only) $ for prod env, configure a web server (apache, nginx, ...)
First User Admin $ create an account with link "Inscription" $ check the mail confirmation $ promote your role admin with the command line: $ php bin/console fos:user:promote the_username ROLE_ADMIN $ create yours roles with the url /role
Nicolas VINCENT, Sylvain BLONDEAU, John DEVOS and to all the Wild Code School promo Feb 2018!!!