FreeROI is a versatile image processing software developed for neuroimaging data. Its goal is to provide a user-friendly interface for neuroimaging researchers to visualize and analyze their data, especially in defining region of interest (ROI) for ROI analysis.
- Website:
Currently supports the following systems:
- ubuntu/debian
- centos/redhat/fedora
- mac osx
- windows
Notes: For Windows users, an exectable version is available. Unzip the package, and store the directory in a place which path has no Chinese characters. Double click freeroi.exe to run the program.
- Python 2.7
- pip >= 1.4.1
- Qt4 >= 4.7
On Ubuntu/Debian
$ apt-get install libqt4-core libqt4-dev libqt4-gui qt4-dev-tools
On CentOS/Fedora/Fedora
$ yum install qt4 qt4-devel
On Mac OSX
On Mac OSX, the Qt4 could be installed with brew like this
$ brew install qt --build-from-source
If you cannot install Qt4 with above methods, you may need to install it manually. The source code of Qt4.8 could be downloaded from the homepage of Qt.
Then, several python modules should be installed. Here we provide a script
to install them automatically. By default, a new virtual
python environment would be generated using virtualenv
Third, SIP and PyQt4 should be installed.
Untar these packages, and install them like this
# install SIP
$ cd SIP
$ python
$ make
$ make install
# install PyQt4
$ cd ../PyQt
$ python
$ make
$ make install
After download the source code, you only to execte:
python install
FreeROI is under Revised BSD License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.