Project made by Clay Hinskie, Jeremiah Edbert Grifith Shite, Keshia Poedjiono, and Stanley Nathanael Wijaya
Project made for educational purpose by Universitas Pelita Harapan
A drone which is also regarded as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is an aircraft consisting of no human pilot on board, hence the name ‘unmanned’. Drones are controlled through a ground-based controller constructed through a computerised program. In this case, the program can be manufactured by various different methods. In accordance with the module, the method incorporated to control a drone constructed by an assembled program embraces the role of Python as a route to articulate the user’s vision towards a drone. Python as a programming language, is a simple yet efficient method that supports the applied purpose of the module. The module is composed by various clear instructions and guided tutorials to usher the reader/user towards a similar goal. In spite of what preceded, the devised module has gone through trials and errors to ensure the user may receive the best results in achieving the concordant purpose of drone programming.
This chapter will cover all the extensions you need to build your drone program. We will start by installing Python, Github, Copilot, Visual Studio Code, and PIP. These are all the essential items that must be downloaded in your laptop. In the next step, we will give you step by step on how to connect Copilot and Visual Studio Code to make your coding experience easier.
Now you are ready to fly your drone. In this chapter, you will discover many interesting movements your drone can make. Before that, it is important to learn about some commands that help you to import the Tello library, connect your Tello with python, take off, and landing.
Drone flight paths are the routes that drones follow when flying. There are several types of flight paths commonly used in drone operations, such as square flight path, rectangle, triangle, circle, and many others. Besides that, we also provide many custom flight path, like controlling using keyboard, recording video, and others. These are just a few examples of the various flight paths that drones can take. The choice of flight path depends on the specific mission objectives, desired coverage, and the capabilities of the drone and its flight control system. So, just be creative and explore it more and more!
DJI Tello Drone has 3 major sensors, camera, infrared sensor, and proximity sensor. In this chapter we will provide an explanation about these sensors, how to control them, and an example of using each sensor. Sensors inside the drone are very significant, because we can do anything we want using that sensors and in the next chapter we will also learn about something that is very related to camera. So, learn and enjoy every sensor within DJI Tello Drone.
In today's era, technology has advanced significantly, necessitating a fundamental understanding of both technology and computer science. Therefore, this chapter aims to provide an explanation of key concepts such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. Moreover, we will delve into the intricacies of datasets and machine learning models, offering detailed insights into their significance and utilization. By exploring these topics, readers will gain a solid foundation in the field of technology and computer science.
Machine Learning is an intriguing field with a vast range of topics to explore. In this chapter, we will delve into several aspects of Machine Learning, including Haar Cascade, dataset creation and searching using Roboflow and Kaggle, as well as popular tools like Google Colaboratory and Jupyter Notebook. Additionally, we will discuss YOLOv5, an object detection model. The culmination of this chapter will be an exciting object detection project that showcases practical applications of Machine Learning in real-life scenarios.
This final chapter concludes the drone programming manual module, where we will showcase the culmination of all the knowledge we have acquired thus far. In this chapter, we present an engaging and practical drone programming project that incorporates all the concepts covered throughout the module. The project centers around a Search and Rescue program, inspired by real-life scenarios. Through this simulation project, readers will have the opportunity to apply their skills and demonstrate their understanding of drone programming in a meaningful context.