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Rob Garrison edited this page Feb 17, 2016
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Syntax Highlight code examples used in the demo
/* Code error example (no closing comment tag)
/* Repository Network Tree */
#network .repo img[alt="T"], #network .repo img[alt="I"], #network .repo img[alt="L"] {
width: 26px !important;
height: 0 !important;
padding-top: 22px !important;
#network .repo img[alt="T"] {
background: url(http://StylishThemes.github.io/GitHub-Dark/images/t.png) no-repeat !important;
.js-expand-btn, .dashboard-tabs li a, pre.headers, .box-header {
background: #181818 !important;
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#333), to(#181818)) !important;
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #333, #181818) !important;
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #333, #181818) !important;
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #333, #181818) !important;
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #333, #181818) !important;
border-color: #333 !important;
/* contributors page - svg styling */
svg|svg.spark, svg|svg.viz {
background-color: #181818 !important;
svg|svg.viz {
border: 1px solid #555 !important;
display: block !important;
.graphs svg|line {
stroke: #444 !important;
shape-rendering: geometricPrecision !important;
/* placeholder */
::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #444 !important;
:-moz-placeholder {
color: #444 !important;
::-moz-placeholder {
color: #444 !important;
opacity: 1 !important;
/* Icon sprite example */
$icon: sprite-map("bg/icon/*.png",
$layout: smart
$icon2x: sprite-map("bg/icon2x/*.png",
$layout: smart
@mixin icon-sprite($sprite, $from: $base-font-size, $offset-x: 0, $offset-y: 0){
@include use-sprite($icon, $icon2x, $sprite, $from, $offset-x, $offset-y);
/* Vertical mode with spacing example */
$vertical: sprite-map("bg/vertical/*.png",
$layout: vertical,
$spacing: 24px
$vertical2x: sprite-map("bg/vertical2x/*.png",
$layout: smart,
$spacing: 48px
@mixin vertical-sprite($sprite, $from: $base-font-size, $offset-x: 0, $offset-y: 0){
@include use-sprite($vertical, $vertical2x, $sprite, $from, $offset-x, $offset-y);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>GitHub Dark Syntax Highlighting Themes</title>
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<h1><a href="http://userstyles.org/styles/37035">GitHub Dark for Stylish</a></h1>
<h2>Syntax Highlighting themes</h2>
<h3>Select a syntax highlighting theme: <select></select></h3>
<h3>Code block</h3>
<div class="highlight">
<!-- ... -->
var t,
$links = $('link[title]'),
$select = $('select'),
theme = "Native-Mod",
ls = false,
selectTheme = function(theme){
$links.prop('disabled', true);
$links.filter('[title="' + theme + '"]').prop('disabled', false);
// https://gist.github.com/paulirish/5558557
if ("localStorage" in window) {
try {
window.localStorage.setItem('_tmptest', 'temp');
ls = true;
} catch(e) {}
if (ls) {
theme = localStorage['github-dark-theme'] || theme;
t = '';
t += '<option>' + this.title + '</option>';
.on('change', function(){
if (ls) {
localStorage['github-dark-theme'] = this.value;
class A_Request {
private $_request;
private $_fields = array(
public function __construct() {
$this->_request = array();
$this->_errors = array();
public function initialize($data) {
foreach ($this->_fields as $field) {
if ( ! in_array($field, $this->_optional_fields)) {
if (array_key_exists($field, $this->_validation_exceptions)) {
$method = $this->_validation_exceptions[$field];
if (isset($data[$field]) AND !empty($data[$field])) {
if (array_key_exists($field, $this->_specific_validations)) {
$method = $this->_specific_validations[$field];
$this->_request[$field] = $data[$field];
} else {
$this->_errors[$field] = 'error';
} else {
if (isset($data[$field])) {
$this->_request[$field] = $data[$field];
public function valid_email($str) {
$valid = ( ! preg_match(
) ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
if ( ! $valid) {
$this->_errors['email'] = 'error';
def dump_args(func):
"This decorator dumps out the arguments passed to a function before calling it"
argnames = func.func_code.co_varnames[:func.func_code.co_argcount]
fname = func.func_name
def echo_func(*args,**kwargs):
print fname, ":", ', '.join(
'%s=%r' % entry
for entry in zip(argnames,args) + kwargs.items())
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return echo_func
def f1(a,b,c):
print a + b + c
f1(1, 2, 3)
def precondition(precondition, use_conditions=DEFAULT_ON):
return conditions(precondition, None, use_conditions)
def postcondition(postcondition, use_conditions=DEFAULT_ON):
return conditions(None, postcondition, use_conditions)
class conditions(object):
__slots__ = ('__precondition', '__postcondition')
def __init__(self, pre, post, use_conditions=DEFAULT_ON):
if not use_conditions:
pre, post = None, None
self.__precondition = pre
self.__postcondition = post
def power(x,n)
result = 1
while n.nonzero?
if n[0].nonzero?
result *= x
n -= 1
x *= x
n /= 2
return result
def f(x)
Math.sqrt(x.abs) + 5*x ** 3
(0...11).collect{ gets.to_i }.reverse.each do |x|
y = f(x)
puts "#{x} #{y.infinite? ? 'TOO LARGE' : y}"
# Map color names to short hex
COLORS = { :black => "000",
:red => "f00",
:green => "0f0",
:yellow => "ff0",
:blue => "00f",
:magenta => "f0f",
:cyan => "0ff",
:white => "fff" }
class String
COLORS.each do |color,code|
define_method "in_#{color}" do
"<span style=\"color: ##{code}\">#{self}</span>"
#include "algostuff.hpp"
using namespace std;
bool bothEvenOrOdd (int elem1, int elem2)
return elem1 % 2 == elem2 % 2;
int main()
vector<int> coll1;
list<int> coll2;
float m = 40.0f;
PRINT_ELEMENTS(coll1,"coll1: \n");
PRINT_ELEMENTS(coll2,"coll2: \n");
// check whether both collections are equal
if (equal (coll1.begin(), coll1.end(), // first range
coll2.begin())) { // second range
cout << "coll1 == coll2" << endl;
} /* TODO Shouldn't there be an 'else' case? */
// check for corresponding even and odd elements
if (equal (coll1.begin(), coll1.end(), // first range
coll2.begin(), // second range
bothEvenOrOdd)) { // comparison criterion
cout << "even and odd elements correspond" << endl;
import System
import Foreign
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
main = do
w <- getArgs >>= readIO . head
let n = w `div` 8
loop_y = B.unfoldrN n (next_x w (2/fromIntegral w) n)
unfold x = case loop_y x of
(s, Nothing) -> B.putStr s
(s, Just x) -> B.putStr s >> unfold x
putStrLn ("P4\n"++show w++" "++show w)
unfold (T 1 0 0 (-1))
data T = T !Int !Int !Int !Double
next_x !w !iw !bw (T bx x y ci)
| y == w = Nothing
| bx == bw = Just (loop_x w x 8 iw ci 0, T 1 0 (y+1) (iw+ci))
| otherwise = Just (loop_x w x 8 iw ci 0, T (bx+1) (x+8) y ci)
loop_x !w !x !n !iw !ci !b
| x < w = if n == 0
then b
else loop_x w (x+1) (n-1) iw ci (b+b+v)
| otherwise = b `shiftL` n
v = fractal 0 0 (fromIntegral x * iw - 1.5) ci 50
fractal :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Int -> Word8
fractal !r !i !cr !ci !k
| r2 + i2 > 4 = 0
| k == 0 = 1
| otherwise = fractal (r2-i2+cr) ((r+r)*i+ci) cr ci (k-1)
(!r2,!i2) = (r*r,i*i)
my_field1 INT,
my_field2 VARCHAR(50),
my_field3 DATE NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (my_field1, my_field2)
ALTER TABLE My_table ADD my_field4 NUMBER(3) NOT NULL;
ON My_table
TO some_user, another_user;
ON My_table
FROM some_user, another_user;
SELECT Book.title,
COUNT(*) AS Authors
FROM Book JOIN Book_author
ON Book.isbn = Book_author.isbn
GROUP BY Book.title;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class KeyboardIntegerReader {
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.io.IOException {
String s1;
String s2;
int num = 0;
// set up the buffered reader to read from the keyboard
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (
boolean cont = true;
while (cont)
System.out.print ("Enter an integer:");
s1 = br.readLine();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (s1);
s2 = "";
while (cont && st.hasMoreTokens())
s2 = st.nextToken();
num = Integer.parseInt(s2);
cont = false;
catch (NumberFormatException n)
System.out.println("The value in \"" + s2 + "\" is not an integer");
System.out.println ("You entered the integer: " + num);
function settable_event (table, key, value)
local h
if type(table) == "table" then
local v = rawget(table, key)
-- if key is present, do raw assignment
if v ~= nil then rawset(table, key, value); return end
h = metatable(table).__newindex
if h == nil then rawset(table, key, value); return end
h = metatable(table).__newindex
if h == nil then
if type(h) == "function" then
h(table, key,value) -- call the handler
else h[key] = value -- or repeat operation on it
package Dancer::Handler::Standalone;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTTP::Server::Simple::PSGI;
use base 'Dancer::Handler', 'HTTP::Server::Simple::PSGI';
use Dancer::HTTP;
# ...
sub print_startup_info {
my $pid = shift;
my $ipaddr = setting('server');
my $port = setting('port');
# we only print the info if we need to
setting('startup_info') or return;
# bare minimum
print STDERR ">> Dancer $Dancer::VERSION server $pid listening " .
"on http://$ipaddr:$port\n";
# all loaded plugins
foreach my $module ( grep { $_ =~ m{^Dancer/Plugin/} } keys %INC ) {
$module =~ s{/}{::}g; # change / to ::
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
# aliases
alias grpe=grep
alias grep='grep --color --line-number'
alias vim="vim -p"
alias rebash="source ~/.bashrc"
alias install='sudo apt-get -y install'
alias search='apt-cache search'
alias purge='sudo apt-get purge'
export EDITOR=vim
# set up the prompt to the hostname
shopt -s checkwinsize
PS1="\e[1;35m[\w] --- \@ \d \n$>\[\e[0m\]"
# grabs some definitions from google
define () {
lynx -dump "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=define%3A+${1}" | grep -m 25 -w "*" | sed 's/;/ -/g' | cut -d- -f5 > /tmp/templookup.txt
if [[ -s /tmp/templookup.txt ]] ;then
until ! read response
echo "${response}"
done < /tmp/templookup.txt
echo "Sorry $USER, I can't find the term \"${1} \""
rm -f /tmp/templookup.txt
# Extracts most files, mostly
extract () {
if [ -f $1 ] ; then
case $1 in
*.tar.bz2) tar xjf $1 ;;
*.tar.gz) tar xzf $1 ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;
*.rar) rar x $1 ;;
*.gz) gunzip $1 ;;
*.tar) tar xf $1 ;;
*.tbz2) tar xjf $1 ;;
*.tgz) tar xzf $1 ;;
*.zip) unzip $1 ;;
*.Z) uncompress $1 ;;
*) echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via extract()" ;;
echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
\usepackage[option1, option2]{package}
% Here is a comment. Commands in tex are called by backslash: \command
\section{Section head}
\subsection{Subsection head}
This is text, and the following is in-line mathematics:
$\mathrm{e}^{-\pi\matrhm{i}} = -1$.
A display-style equation is shown below:
E = mc^2
integer :: my_seed
integer, optional :: my_seed
module ran_mod
! ran1 returns a uniform random number between 0-1
! the seed is optional and used to reset the generator
function ran1(my_seed)
use numz
implicit none
real(b8) ran1,r
integer, optional ,intent(in) :: my_seed ! optional argument not changed in the routine
integer,allocatable :: seed(:)
integer the_size,j
if(present(my_seed))then ! use the seed if present
call random_seed(size=the_size) ! how big is the intrisic seed?
allocate(seed(the_size)) ! allocate space for seed
do j=1,the_size ! create the seed
seed(j)=abs(my_seed)+(j-1) ! abs is generic
call random_seed(put=seed) ! assign the seed
deallocate(seed) ! deallocate space
call random_number(r)
end function ran1
end module
program darwin
use numz
use ran_mod ! interface required if we have
! optional or intent arguments
real(b8) x,y
x=ran1(my_seed=12345) ! we can specify the name of the argument
x=ran1(12345) ! with only one optional argument we don't need to
end program
* Note: Some code examples copied from Vivify
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