Exploratory analysis and presenting insights Context of the business 2Market is a global supermarket which sells products online and in-store. The goal of this prject is to help them understand their customer purchase behaviour.
In particular, 2Market wants to understand:
- The demographics of their customers
- Which advertising channels seem to be the most effective
- Which products seem to sell the best and if that varies based on demographic
- I familiarised with the project context and requirements, created a problem statement, and identify questions I would like to ask to help better understand the project as well as questions I would like to try and answer by analysing the data.
- I then used Excel to analysed the data to identify initial insights.
- Next, I imported the data into Tableau dashboard to communicate initial insights I have identified.
- Following this, with the use of SQL, I imported the data sets into the Postgres database and queried the data to identify insights and areas to explore further.
- Ultimately, based on the result of the analysis, I adjusted the dashboard I created.