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Mice maze

Active exploration setup for rodents

This is a repository for building and running an experiment investigating how sensory cues affect mouse exploration in a modifiable maze.

List of repository contents


  • Models used to make/3dprint parts used in the maze setup. alt text for screen readers


  • Contains code used in the project.
    • Scripts used to process the video recordings of mice in the maze and a script used for the pilot deeplabcut test.
    • Arduino code to control stimuli settings and reward delivery.
    • Walkthrough to use the automatic maze.


  • A selection of photos of the maze during it's development for illustrative purposes.


  • Schematics and drawings. Such as the format of the base plate holes.

Contributors of the maze:

  • Miguel Maravall
  • Oluwaseyi Jesusanmi
  • Andre Maia Chagas
  • Yuri Elias Rodrigues
  • Maja Nowak
  • Marcus Burnell-Spector
  • Shahd Al Balushi
  • Isabel Maranhao
  • Alejandra Carriero