App for study React Native with some concepts like:
- Redux;
- Redux Saga;
- React Hooks;
- Redux Hooks;
- Layout;
- E-commerce;
- Eslint;
- Prettier;
- Axios;
- Reactotron;
To run:
yarn # to install dependencies
Have an Android emulator running.
Install the json-server
dependence in globally mode to simulate the backend API.
yarn global add json-server
Run the following command to keep the backend simulation running.
json-server server.json -p 3333
In another terminal run:
react-native start
Keep it running and in another terminal run:
react-native run-android
Aplicativo para estudo do React Native com alguns conceitos como:
- Redux;
- Redux Saga;
- React Hooks;
- Redux Hooks;
- Layout;
- E-commerce;
- Eslint;
- Prettier;
- Axios;
- Reactotron;
Para executar o projeto:
yarn # para instalar as dependências
Tenha um emulador do Android executando.
Instale globalmente a dependência json-server
para simular API do backend;
yarn global add json-server
Execute o comando a seguir para rodar o simulador do backend.
json-server server.json -p 3333
Em outro terminal, execute:
react-native start
Deixe rodando e em outro terminal execute:
react-native run-android