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Ashley Smith edited this page May 28, 2022 · 8 revisions

Strategies for testing

Generally we want to: execute the notebooks against a certain environment (e.g. VRE; VRE-staging; latest), get notified where a notebook does not succeed running from top to bottom, build those notebooks (whether completed or not) into a jupyter-book to visually verify the result.

Notes on scripted execution of notebooks

Using nbconvert:

jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --inplace --execute --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=1200 notebooks/*

This executes all notebooks in-place, overwriting the previous state of the output cells.

Another option is jupyter-cache (which caches the executed state in a separate location and intelligently determines if that needs to be updated) - this is used by jupyter-book, which is in turn used by nbmake. nbmake is a plugin for pytest, with possibility for parallel execution, and by using jupyter-book, offers some extra control on the generated notebook html using notebook cell metadata.

Currently transitioning display of notebooks to

Recipe to compile book locally:

git clone
cd Swarm_notebooks
docker run -v $(pwd):/home/jovyan -u root -e VIRES_TOKEN=$VIRES_TOKEN \ \
	bash -c \
	      export CDF_LIB=/opt/conda/lib && \
	      pip install --upgrade viresclient && \
	      viresclient set_token $VIRES_TOKEN && \
	      viresclient set_default_server && \
	      pip install jupyter-book --ignore-installed && \
	      jupyter-book build .

Might need jupyter-book clean . to fix things between builds.

Experiment with using nbmake to benefit from parallelisation:

pip install nbmake[html] pytest-xdist[psutil] jupyter-book
pytest --numprocesses 2 --nbmake --overwrite notebooks/*.ipynb --deselect=notebooks/04c1_Geomag-Ground-Data-FTP.ipynb 

Note that we must overwrite the notebooks with the executed state rather than working in the jupyter-cache. Then use:

jupyter-book build --config _config-testing.yml .

to compile the book using the alternate config (which does not execute the books nor look at the jupyter-cache).

Push the book to Netlify:

netlify deploy --dir=_build/html
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