Node.js web-based user interface for Dropbox or compatible file storage solutions
CloudStashWeb uses the Dropbox JavaScript API to access Dropbox or compatible file storage solutions (such as CloudStash). CloudStashWeb uses the Dropbox API from both Node.js on the server and from the browser. It is indended in part to demonstrate how to build a real world Dropbox app in JavaScript in either a Node.js or client/browser environment.
Configuration is typically via a config.json file containing some the following:
PORT - The port that this server will run on (default: 80)
REDIRECT_URL - Where OAuth responses should return, for localhost running on 1337 would be "http://localhost:1337/auth"
CLIENT_ID - Dropbox client ID (sometimes called app ID)
CLIENT_SECRET - Dropbox client secret
DROPBOX_API_ENDPOINT - Alternate Dropbox API endpoing, for example: ""
OAUTH_BASE - OAuth endpoint for alternate Dropbox API, for example: ""
If SSL is desired, specify either key/cert values via SSL_KEY and SSL_CERT or specify key/cert files via SSL_CERT_PATH and SSL_KEY_PATH.
First you will need to install the required modules:
npm install
Then you will need to do a build:
npm run build
And to run, just do:
node app.js
If you make a change to overrides/get-base-url.js (or it you add any additional overrides) and you want to generate a new Dropbox-sdk.min.js, you will need to build the Dropbox API package:
Installed webpack globally
sudo npm install webpack -g
From the node_modules/dropbox directory, install the dev dependencies for that package by doing:
npm install
Download the webpack config files from the Dropbox Javascript API GitHub repo -
webpack-umd.config.js webpack.config.js
Edit overrides/get-base-url.js as desired
Build the Dropbox API and update the local Dropbox script file
npm run build-dropbox
This will update the file: public/Dropbox-sdk.min.js with the new version of overrides/get-base-url.js