RubyForms easy form creation and answers to them. Built with RoR framework, tested with RSpec, deployed to Heroku.
Create a new form with a dynamic question field, publish it for other users, answer these questions with comment and save them. View your answer on the show page and share the link with your result to other users. Deployed to Heroku and available online.
A few of the things you can do with RubyForms:
- Register to app or login
- Create new checklist form with unlimited questions
- If your survey form is ready, publish it (click on the checkbox with the name "Unpublished")
- Find the required survey among the published survey forms and create forms with answers
- Answer all questions in the survey and save your result
- View all your questions and answers in the survey
- View all your Audits
The setups steps expect following tools installed on the system.
git clone
Copy the sample database.yml file and edit the database configuration as required.
cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
Run the following commands to create and setup the database.
rails db:create
rails db:setup
rails db:migrate
You can start the rails server using the command given below.
rails s
And now you can visit the site with the URL http://localhost:3000
You can run all tests using the command given below.
# Default: Run all spec files (i.e., those matching spec/**/*_spec.rb)
$ rspec
# Run all spec files in a single directory (recursively)
$ rspec spec/models
# Run a single spec file
$ rspec spec/controllers/accounts_controller_spec.rb
# Run a single example from a spec file (by line number)
$ rspec spec/controllers/accounts_controller_spec.rb:8
# See all options for running specs
$ rspec --help
Feel free to send us feedback on Twitter or file an issue. Feature requests are always welcome.