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question: can I construct a GEM from a list of KO identifiers? #410

Answered by edkerk
silvtal asked this question in Help me!
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Interesting idea! There is no straightforward way to do this, but with a little bit of coding you could write a function that can do this.

To get started, you first want to generate the global KEGG model, containing all KEGG reactions:

keggModel = getModelFromKEGG();

Then you want to extract the KEGG Orthology annotations:

KOannot = extractMiriam(keggModel.rxnMiriams, 'kegg.orthology');

Let's remove all reactions without a KEGG Orthology annotation (from the keggModel and your KOannot list), as you would not have any matching genes for those reactions anyway:

noKO = cellfun(@isempty, KOannot);
keggModel = removeReactions(keggModel, noKO, true, true, true);
KOannot(noKO) = [];

Now comes t…

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