This project builds a simple image recognition webapp where users can
upload up to 10 images and get a recognition of what each image shows
as a result.
In order to use the webapp, the user will have to login with a username
and a password, after that he/she will be redirect to the upload page.
Check the front-end documentation for more info:
The back-end project was built on Django. The server was hosted on\
The Django project was structured in this way: a core server folder and
two Django apps for implementing the main functionalities of the webapp:
login and upload. The two apps are inside the authentication_app
and upload_app directories.
Each app has its own view for handling Http requests and returning
responses: they were called respectively login
and upload
The code was written following an OOP approach in order to better organize functionalities and make the project more testable and adaptable. Below are the main classes that were used:
The used data-interchange format is JSON.
The server receives username and password. In case of success, it returns a token which is valid for 3 hours and gives permission to access the upload page.
The server receives username and token as well a file of images (1 to 10).
In case of success (correct username, valid token, valid images' formats and sizes),
it performs recognitions based on a pre-trained model
(ResNet model trained on the ImageNet-1000 dataset)
and after that it returns a JSON with a recognition string for each image name.