Ceci est un fork de MKorostoff pour créer une version française.
Si vous voulez participer à améliorer cette version française, n'hésitez pas à faire une issue, pour qu'on puisse en discuter. Si vous voulez modifier cette version, vous pouvez toujours faire un fork de la mienne et de suivre les instructions conseillées dans le git original.
This is a fork from MKorostoff in order to create a french version.
This page has been translated by volunteers into seven languages that I know of. I am not directly involved with any of these translations, and I don't speak any of these languages, so I can't promise they are accurate. If you'd like to create a translation, see instructions here. Once you've finished, provide a link in the issue queue and I'll update this readme.
- Spanish/Español 1
- Spanish/Español 2
- Spanish/Español 3
- Spanish/Español 4
- Portuguese/Português
- German/Deutsch
- Russian/русский
- Romanian/Română
- Chinese/中文
- Czech/čeština
One pixel wealth was created by Matt Korostoff
Please consider making a donation to the Against Malaria Foundation. They are not affiliated with this project in any way, I just really like them.