Remark: Tool is not compatible with intelMQ 3.0.0
NOTE: this version works but is still a bit rough on the edges
Tools for intelmq. This tool will help you to check up on your running configurations and helps you to update them. The tools also makes the necessary configurations in IntelMQ to be able to add custom Bots in a simple manner.
- Integrates custom bots into intelmq
- Checking the configurations for miss configurations
- Checking if the bots gotten new parameters
- Fixes discrepancies the bots configurations of IntelMQ
- Fixes missing new parameters of bots
- Listing all the bots and their configurations
- Installation of IntelMQ (see
- Python3
- The custom bots need to be referenced in the python path
Clone this repo somewhere on the system where the instance of IntelMQ resides.
Make executable
Optional: Create a configuration file on basis of the config.ini_tmpl
The tool needs a configuration file to find the base paths. There is a template in the config folder: There are only two elements which needs configuration the table below will explain both:
TAG | Description |
binFolder | The location of intelmq. Example /usr/bin |
customBotFolder | Location of the custom bots to be referenced. Example ./bot_folder |
fakeRoot | Location of a fake root of a system. If this value is set the tool will be in development mode. |
The custom Bots can now be stored anywhere. The folder where the custom bots reside must have the same structure as the one in IntelMQ (see the bot_folder as example). The folder of custom Bots must be present in the PYTHONPATH. This is necessary for the execution.
The custom Bots require a config.json, which defines the default configuration of the bot. The configuration is similar as in IntelMQ.
Here are some examples of use:
$ ./
usage: [-h] [--version] [-d] [--bin BIN] [--bot BOT] [--fake FAKE] [--config CONFIG] [--verbose] {list,check,fix,install} ...
positional arguments:
Available tools
list Lists bots
check Check installation of bots is still applicable
fix Tool for fixing bot configurations
install Tool for installing bots
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-d, --details Details of intelmq and this tools
--bin BIN Location of the bin folder.
Default is /usr/bin
--bot BOT Location of the custom bots.
Note: The bots have to be in the path of python.
--fake FAKE Location of the root used for development.
Note: If this set the tool is automatically in dev mode.
--config CONFIG Optional configuration file
Note: The default location is ./config/config.ini
--verbose, -v
Note:: If the config/config.ini is present the tool takes this file. The arguments --config or --bin and --bot are optional. However if one is set they take priority.
$ ./ list -o
BOT Type: Output
BOT Class: UDP
Description: UDP is a simple UDP bot responsible to send events to a udp port (e.g.: syslog daemon). For more explanations about the parameters field, checkout out the
Module: intelmq.bots.outputs.udp.output
Entry Point:
File: /opt/intelmq/intelmq/bots/outputs/udp/
Running Instances 0
$ ./ install -i bots/experts/dummy/
File /usr/bin/ created
BOT Class ExampleBOT was successfully inserted
Note 1: This command will create all required files for the bot like executable and also update the BOTS file with the configuration given in the bot's config.json.
Note 2: The bot to be installed needs to be accessible by python.
$ ./ remove -i bots/experts/dummy/
File /usr/bin/ created
BOT Class ExampleBOT was successfully inserted
$ ./ check -r
BOT Class: Deduplicator
BOT Instance Name: deduplicator-expert
Running Configuration is missing keys: ['redis_cache_password']
BOT Class: Cymru Whois
BOT Instance Name: cymru-whois-expert
Running Configuration is missing keys: ['overwrite']
BOT Class: url2fqdn
BOT Instance Name: url2fqdn-expert
Running Configuration has more keys: ['load_balance']
BOT Class: File
BOT Instance Name: file-output
Running Configuration is missing keys: ['encoding_errors_mode', 'format_filename', 'keep_raw_field', 'message_jsondict_as_string', 'message_with_type']
./ fix -r
Fixing runtime.conf File
Fixing deduplicator-expert:
Do you want to add Key redis_cache_password to Parameter parameters with default value None [y/N] y
Fixing cymru-whois-expert:
Do you want to add Key overwrite to Parameter parameters with default value False [y/N] y
Fixing url2fqdn-expert:
Do you want to remove Key load_balance from Parameter parameters [y/N] y
Fixing file-output:
Do you want to add Key encoding_errors_mode to Parameter parameters with default value strict [y/N] y
Do you want to add Key format_filename to Parameter parameters with default value False [y/N] y
Do you want to add Key keep_raw_field to Parameter parameters with default value False [y/N] y
Do you want to add Key message_jsondict_as_string to Parameter parameters with default value False [y/N] y
Do you want to add Key message_with_type to Parameter parameters with default value False [y/N] y
Note: with the -a option the tool automatically adds/removes keys. Keys which different values will not be taken into account.
The tool is currently usable but not considered as final. Therefore the documentation is not complete. However the commands have help support.
Please do contribute! Issues and pull requests are welcome.
This software is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3