install and update go binaries released on github
This tool can be used to maintain manually installed binary GO tools installed via github releases, just like a package manager.
Sample output:
% goupdater list
Tool Installed-Release Latest-Release
fzf 0.30.0 0.30.0
helm v3.9.0 v3.9.0
goupdater v1.0.1 v1.0.4
hub v2.14.2 v2.14.2
kind v0.14.0 v0.14.0
mc RELEASE.2022-06-17T02-52-50Z RELEASE.2022-06-17T02-52-50Z
stern v1.21.0 v1.21.0
yq v4.25.2 v4.25.2
% goupdater update goupdater
Updating goupdater from v1.0.3 to v1.0.4...
--2022-06-23 12:30:39--
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 6848 (6.7K) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: '/tmp/goupdater.30852/goupdater-v1.0.4'
/tmp/goupdater.30852/goupdater-v1.0.4 100%[=======================>] 6.69K --.-KB/s in 0s
2022-06-23 12:30:39 (34.8 MB/s) - '/tmp/goupdater.30852/goupdater-v1.0.4' saved [6848/6848]
Goupdater needs the following utilities to be installed:
Install them using the package manager of you OS, e.g.:
- on Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install jq curl
- on FreeBSD:
sudo pkg install jq curl
- on MacOSX:
brew install jq curl
- on VoidLinux:
sudo xbps-install jq curl
- on ArchLinux:
sudo pacman -S jq curl
- on RedHat:
sudo yum install jq curl
- on OpenSUSE Linux:
sudo zypper install jq curl
There are 2 ways to install goupdater
Just download the latest release and copy it to your personal bin dir, e.g.:
curl -o ~/bin/goupdater
chmod 755 ~/bin/goupdater
git clone
cd goupdater
make install
This will install the tool to ~/.gobins/
and symlink it to ~/bin/
When you execute the script the first time, it will create a config file
in ~/.goupdaterrc
Make sure to put ~/bin/
into your $PATH
Usage: goupdater <command> [param]
list lists all installed GO binaries.
install <uri> [<tool>] installs the specified tool using the github uri
update [<tool>] updates all tools or only the one specified.
help shows this message.
version shows the version of goupdater.
Install a new tool:
goupdater install hub
Update a specific tool:
goupdater update hub
Update all tools (if there are updates available!)
goupdater update
List all installed releases:
goupdater list
The config will be stored in ~/.goupdaterrc
. It will be automatically
generated upon first start.
Format of the file:
The variable sources
is an associative array, the key
is the tool itself, the value is a semicolon separated
list containing the folliwing values:
- github project owner
- github project name
- optional: download uri (the release tag will be appended)
You might also add github auth variables:
- user: holds the github username
- token: holds the token (generate it on your github account)
However, the tool will also work without authentication but then only 60 requests per hour can be made to github.
Sample configuration file:
declare -A sources=(
To enable completion for the script, put this line into your ~/.bashrc
source <(goupdater completion bash)
Other shells are currently not supported.
Although I'm happy to hear from goupdater users in private email, that's the best way for me to forget to do something.
In order to report a bug, unexpected behavior, feature requests or to submit a patch, please open an issue on github. Thank you!
Pull requests are much appreciated!
goupdater is licensed under the GPL version 3.0
Copyleft (c) T.v.Dein