This example shows a fully working application using ReactiveMongoCrud plugin for Play Framework. With this template, you'll get a full working asyncronous CRUD implementation for ReactiveMongo, using just few lines of code; the plugin will take care of parents' relations and will automatically update children. Moreover, the plugin let you use multiple databases for different collections effortlessly.
###To test the Application:
- Open a terminal in your project's directory
- Type 'play run'
- Head your favourite browser to 'http://localhost:9000'
- Play with the family
##Family's Routes
- 'GET /granpa' Open the Granparents' table
- 'GET /granpa/table' Get all granpas in JSON ready to be parsed by a DataTable
- 'GET /granpa/edit/ + id' Get form for granpa with id
- 'GET /granpa/new' Get a form for creating a new granpa
- 'GET /granpa/submit' Submit the new entry!
- 'GET /father' Open the Fathers' page
- 'GET /father/table' Get all fathers in JSON ready to be parsed by a DataTable
- 'GET /father/edit/ + id' Get form for father with id, useful for editing and deleting
- 'GET /father/new' Get a form for creating a new father
- 'GET /father/submit' Submit the new entry!
- 'GET /son' Open the Sons' page
- 'GET /son/table' Get all sons in JSON ready to be parsed by a DataTable
- 'GET /son/edit/ + id' Get form for son with id
- 'GET /son/new' Get a form for creating a new son
- 'GET /son/submit' Submit the new entry!
- ReactiveMongo's developers
- Zengularity
- DataTable jQury plugin
- [SimpsonCrazy for the wonderful](images
##Notes Also available as Typesafe Activator Template.