Maintainer: Yunlong Feng
Modifier: Taeyoung Kim
- Dockerize
- Step-by-step tutorial
- Add save trajectory function
- Add save map function without service callback
I currently only experiment after converting the ros2 bag format from the M2DGR dataset.
< FAST-LIO2-ros2 trajectory result in Gate 01 sequence >
I recommend utilizing docker to easily configure your environment setting.
git clone --recursive
cd docker
docker build -t fast-lio-ros2:latest .
- ROS2 humble
- Eigen
- Livox-SDK2
When you create a docker container, you need several options to use the GUI and share folders.
First, you should enter the command below in the local terminal to enable docker to communicate with Xserver on the host.
xhost +local:docker
After that, make your own container with the command below.
sudo chmod -R 777
./ <container_name> <image_name:tag>
For example,
./ fast-lio-ros2 fast-lio-ros2:latest
In my case, I also shared an additional /data
folder to run the ROS2 bag files.
If you have successfully created the docker container, the terminal output will be similar to the below.
output :
Current working directory: /home/taeyoung/Desktop/FAST_LIO_ROS2
================FAST-LIO ROS2 Docker Env Ready================
Within Docker, we need 2 containers.
To access the same container, use the command below
docker exec -it fast-lio-ros2 /bin/bash
Within the connected container,
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
This is an example for running M2DGR dataset. You need to use rosbags to change the ros1 bagfile to a ros2 bagfile already.
All should stay on the above path.
- 1st container (For build fast_lio and livox_ros_driver2 package)
cd src/livox_ros_driver2/
./ humble
This process only needs to be done once, after connecting to the container.
For all subsequent builds, simply proceed to colcon build
on ros2_ws
cd ~/ros2_ws/
source install/setup.bash
For launch fast_lio ros2 version for M2DGR.
ros2 launch fast_lio
- 2nd container (For ros2 bag play)
ros2 bag play gate_01
- Use rosbags in docker container.
- Test with more bag files.
- Troubleshoot mapping speed issues
Thanks to FAST-LIO for sharing their awesome research.
Thanks also to Ericsii for providing the ros2 branch.
I follow the license of each repository.