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Custom Commands

[commandname] and [aliasname] can't have a spaces in them.

Adding Commands

!addcmd [commandname] [response] this will create a command called [commandname] that will respond with [response] when used. !editcmd [commandname] [response] this will edit the command [commandname] to respond with [response]. !addtocmd [commandname] [response] this will add [response] to the end of [commandname]'s current respone. This can be used to create a command longer than the 500 characther limit on twitch.

Response syntax

  • $user will be replaced by the user's name who used the command.
  • $args will be replaced by everything the user put after the command.
  • (modonly) will make the command mod only can be put anywhere in [response].
  • (reply) will make the command reply to the message where the command was in.
  • suffix(n) will add a ordinal suffix after n for example suffix(791) becomes 791st can be used with fetch().
  • fetch[url] will perform a get request on url and return the result.
  • fetch[url]{key} will perform a get request on url, return the json value of key.


script() can be used to run JS code

  • user the username of the person who used the command.

  • args array of the arguments the user gave.

  • platform the platform command was used in (twitch/youtube/kick).

  • result script() will be replaced with result.

  • pet.currentPet.birthDate string, the date pet was born on in JSON format

  • number, the name of the pet. like 21 of Hapboo #21

  • pet.currentPet.stomach number, pet's current stomach between 0 and 4 (inclusive)

  • pet.currentPet.age number

  • pet.currentPet.status enum, 0: egg, 1: hatching, 2: alive, 3: dead

  • pet.feedOrFuel(username: string) takes the username and returns true if the pet shield was active and the user tried to kill.

  • getOrSetConfig(key, defaultvalue) gets config key if it doesn't exists creates it and sets it to defaultvalue.

  • setConfig(key,value) sets config key to value.

  • id: {platform: string, username: string}

  • users.setColor(id: UserIdentifier, color: string) set's a user's color

  • users.setNickname(id: UserIdentifier, nickname: string) set's a user's nickname

  • users.getUser(id: UserIdentifier): {nickname?: string; color?: string} get's a user's info

  • say([message],[reply]) will say [message] in chat, replies to the user if [reply] is true.
  • banUser(reason, duration)reason: string, duration: number, will ban/timeout the user with the reason reason and duration duration.
  • broadcast([message]) will say [message] in every chat.
  • fetch()
  • milliSecondsToString([milliSeconds]) will convert [milliSeconds] to minutes and seconds.
  • getSuffix(number) gets a number returns a string with that number + its ordinal suffix. for example getSuffix(12) returns "12th".
  • getRandomElement(array) returns a random element from a string array.
  • runCommand(command) will run command can be a custom or builtin command and can have arguments like runCommand(!kill ${user})}
  • !addcmd !sr script( const categories = await (await fetch(`${args[0]}/categories`)).json();const leaderboards = await (await fetch([0].links[5].uri)).json();const player = await (await fetch([0].run.players[0].uri)).json();result = `World record holder in game ${args[0]} is ${};`)

Removing Commands

!delcmd [commandname] will remove the command [commandname] if it exists.

Aliasing Commands

!aliascmd [aliasname] [commandname] will alias [aliasname] to [commandname] so when [aliasname] is ran [commandname] will run. !delalias [aliasname] will remove [aliasname].

Seeing Commands

!showcmd [commandname] will show the [response] of [commandname].


Channel point redeems that require mod approval will be put on a queue. These commands will apply to the first redeem in queue(the one redeemed first). !reedem approve will approve the redeem and mark the redeem as complete. !reedem reject will refund the channel points. !reedem scam will mark the redeem as complete but won't approve the redeem.


  • !modtts enable enables the !tts command.
  • !modtts disable disables the !tts command.
  • !modtts pause pauses the tts, new messages will be qued until unpaused.
  • !modtts unpause unpauses the tts.
  • !modtts skip will skip the current tts being played.
  • !modtts skip [user] will skip every message by [user] in the queue.
  • !modtts say [message] will say [message] even if command is disabled or tts is paused.


  • !wheel add [rewardname] [rewardweight] [rewardcolor] adds a reward to the wheel with name [rewardname], weight [rewardweight], and color [rewardcolor]. [rewardcolor] is an html color name like red or an hex color like #048ac7. [rewardcolor] is optional if not provided the reward will be pink.
  • !wheel remove [rewardname] will remove reward [rewardname].
  • !wheel spin will spin the wheel.
  • !wheel weights will show the current rewards and their weights.
  • !wheel will show the current rewards and their percentages.
  • !wheel chat @user will spin the wheel for user.


[tags] can have more than one tag seperated by a space. !tags will show the current stream tags. !tags add [tags] will add the [tags] to the stream tags. !tags remove [tags] will remove the [tags] from the stream tags.


!settitle [title] will set the stream title to [title]. !tempsettitle [title] will set the stream title to [title] after 15 minutes will change it back.


!dyntitle [title] will update the stream title with [title] every minute. [title] can have fetch(url) and suffix(n) see Response syntax.


!permtitle [title] will change the title to [title]. after the stream is over the YouTube title will be set to [title] (game).


!counter [name] will show the value of the counter [name]. !counter [name] n will set the counter [name] to n. !counter [name] +n will add n to the counter [name]. !counter [name] -n will subtract n from the counter [name].


!modtext [text] will change the modtext to [text]. !tempmodtext [text] will change the modtext to [text] after 15 minutes will change it back. [text] can have $counter which will show the current counter.


!setgame [game] will change the stream category to [game].


  • !pet sleep will make him sleep as if the stream ended.
  • !pet continue will wake up the hapboo but won't continue the hatching or increase the age.
  • !pet start will wake up the hapboo and will continue the hatching or increase the age.
  • !pet write will save the hapboo state on the config file.
  • 'pet read will read the hapboo state from the config file.
  • !pet protect will activate the hapboo shield.
  • !pet tick will do a hapboo tick.


  • !senddiscordping will send stream ping on discord


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