A curated list of WebSharper libraries, samples and resources.
2048 - The well-known game 2048 reimplemented in F#, with a few custom rule options. Running live
BookCollection - A client-server CRUD application using remoting and a reactive client side, with full tutorial.
LoginWithBulma - A client-side login page using HTML templating, with full tutorial.
Counter - Follow-up to LoginWithBulma: A client-side Model-View-Update-style counter, with full tutorial.
PeopleAPI - A simple CRUD REST API.
MVU TodoMVC - The classic TodoMVC app written with UI and MVU. Running live
TodoMVC - The classic TodoMVC app written with UI. Running live
Libraries written with and for WebSharper.
UI (formerly known as UI.Next) - a library for constructing server-side and reactive client-side web pages in plain C#, F#, or with HTML templates.
Examples: Source - Running live
Forms - an implementation of "Piglets" for UI. It provides a concise syntax to define forms and their validation with clear model vs rendering separation of concerns.
Example: Source - Running live
Forms.Bootstrap - Bootstrap-based widgets for Forms.
Example: Source - Running live
UI.Formlets - a more concise, although less flexible, abstraction similar to Forms.
Example: Source - Running live
Charting - An API for client-side charts similar to FSharp.Charting. Includes ChartJs-based rendering, but has back-end extensibility.
Example: Source - Running live
MVU - Model-View-Update (Elm-like) architecture for full client-side applications.
Example: Source - Running live
Owin - OWIN defines a standard interface between .NET web servers and web applications. This library allows hosting WebSharper applications on any OWIN-compliant host - ASP.NET, Katana, Suave, etc.
Owin.WebSocket - Client-side and server-side WebSockets interface for OWIN-hosted applications, including automated serialization of messages.
ASP.NET Core - Run WebSharper applications on ASP.NET Core.
ASP.NET MVC - Run WebSharper applications alongside ASP.NET MVC and include client-side controls in Razor pages.
Suave - Run WebSharper applications as a Suave WebPart.
Data - Proxy for FSharp.Data which allows using its JsonProvider and WorldBankProvider on the client side.
Example: Source - Running live
WebSharper.Html - a library for constructing server-side and client-side web pages. Superceded by UI.
Piglets - an implementation of "Piglets" for WebSharper.Html. It provides a concise syntax to define forms and their validation with clear model vs rendering separation of concerns.
Formlets - a more concise, although less flexible, abstraction similar to Piglets.
Formlets.JQueryUI - JQueryUI widgets for Formlets.
Reactive - An imperative reactive programming library. Underlies Piglets and Formlets.
OAuth - Authenticate users with external login providers with OAuth 1.0 or 2.0.
Using libraries written in JavaScript from WebSharper.
BabylonJs - A 3D engine based on WebGL and WebAudio.
Example: simple 3D scenes - Source - Running live
iioEngine - A 2D engine based on HTML5 Canvas.
O3D - WebGL-based implementation of the (discontinued) O3D rendering and 3D math engine.
Example: pool game - Source - Running live
ThreeJs - Leading 3D engine based on WebGL.
ThreeJs.FirstPersonControls - First-person camera controls for Three.js.
ThreeJs.TrackballControls - Trackball-style camera controls for Three.js.
ThreeJs.TransformControls - Translate/rotate/scale control gizmo for Three.js.
Example: simple 3D scenes - Source - Running live
Modernizr - Eaisily detect the browser's capabilities.
WebAudio - Audio playback, recording and manipulation.
Examples: Source - Running live
WebRTC - Real-Time Communications: media recording and peer-to-peer connections.
Examples: Source - Running live
WebSpeech - Speech synthesis and recognition.
Examples: Source - Running live
ChartJs - Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers.
Example: Source - Running live
Cytoscape - An open source software platform for visualizing complex networks and integrating these with any type of attribute data.
Example: Source - Running live
D3 - Data-Driven Documents: A low-level library for data visualization.
Example: World Tour - Source - Running live
Google.Visualization - Interactive charts.
Example: a simple bar chart - Source - Running live
Highcharts - Interactive charts. Includes Highstock for financial data and timeline charts, and Highmaps for interactive map charts.
Example: HighCharts, Highmaps and Highstock graphs - Source - Running live
JointJs - Visualize and interact with diagrams and graphs.
Peity - mini SVG pie, donut, line or bar charts.
Example: Source - Running live
Rickshaw - JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs.
Example: Source - Running live
Ace - High-performance code editor for the web.
CodeMirror - A versatile text editor implemented in JavaScript for the browser.
Example: Source - Running live
Google.CodePrettify - An embeddable script that makes source-code snippets in HTML prettier.
HighlightJs - Syntax highlighting for the Web.
Example: Source - Running live
JsPdf - HTML5 client library for generating PDFs.
Example: Source - Running live
MediumEditor - Medium.com WYSIWYG editor clone.
Example: Source - Running live
Remarkable - Markdown parser with Commonmark support, extensions, syntax plugins, high speed.
Example: Source - Running live
TinyMce - WYSIWYG rich text editor.
Example: Source - Running live
MongoLab - Connect to online MongoDB instances.
Example: a MongoLab-backed notes application - Source - Running live
PouchDb - CouchDB-inspired in-browser database.
GoldenLayout - A multi-screen layout manager for webapps.
Example: Source - Running live
IntroJs - Step-by-step guide and feature introduction for websites.
Example: Source - Running live
JQueryUI - A collection of GUI widgets, animated visual effects, and themes implemented with jQuery.
Examples: Source - Running live
MaterialUI - Material Design style widgets.
SlickGrid - A fully open-source, javascript, client-side grid control, based on jQuery and jQueryUI and compatible with Bootstrap.
SweetAlert - Customizable JavaScript popup messages.
Example: Source - Running live
JQuery.Terminal - A plugin for creating command line interpreters in your applications.
Example: Source - Running live
Bing.Maps - Embedded Microsoft Bing maps.
Examples: Source - Running live
Google.Maps - Embedded Google maps.
Examples: Source - Running live
Google.Maps.MarkerClusterer - Automatically cluster Google Maps marker by proximity.
Leaflet - Embedded map library that can connect to providers like OpenStreetMap or MapBox.
Example: Source - Running live
GlMatrix - 3D Math library: matrices, quaternions, etc.
Examples with WebGL: Source - Running live
MathJax - A JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all browsers.
Example: Source - Running live
MathJs - An extensive math library for JavaScript. Includes proxies for .NET types such as
.Example: Source - Running live
Moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times in JavaScript.
Example: Source - Running live
JQueryMobile - A Touch-Optimized Web Framework.
PhoneGap - PhoneGap / Cordova bindings to native phone APIs.
PhoneJs - Now known as DevExtreme Mobile - Native-looking mobile web applications.
Swiper - Mobile touch slider focused on performance.
Example: Source - Running live
HammerJs - An open-source library that can recognize gestures made by touch, mouse and pointerEvents.
Example: Source - Running live
KnockoutJs - MVVM framework for reactive applications.
Facebook React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Example: a Tic-Tac-Toe game - Source - Running live
The WebSharper team's blog - Official announcements, releases, tutorials.
Try WebSharper - Write client-side code in your browser and see it running immediately, in F# or C#.
Adam Granicz, Jozsef Uri, Andras Janko. Synthesizing User Interfaces using Functional Reactive Web Abstractions. In Fourth International Workshop on Programming Technology for the Future Web (ProWeb20), Porto, Portugal, 2020. To appear.
Loic Denuziere, Adam Granicz. Enabling modular persistence for reactive data models in F# client-server web applications. In Modularity, Malaga, Spain, 2016. ACM
Adam Granicz, Loic Denuziere. Functional, Reactive Web Programming in F#. In Central European Functional Programming School (CEFP), Budapest, Hungary, 2015, pp. 137-160. Springer
Simon Fowler, Loic Denuziere, Adam Granicz. Reactive Single-Page Applications with Dynamic Dataflow. In Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL), Portland, OR, USA. 2015. Springer, PDF1, PDF2
Loic Denuziere, Adam Granicz, Simon Fowler. Reactive Abstractions for Functional Web Applications. Submitted to Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL), Koblenz, Germany, 2015. PDF
Adam Granicz. Functional Web and Mobile Development in F#. In Central European Functional Programming School (CEFP), Budapest, Hungary, 2013, pp. 381-406. Springer
Loic Denuziere, Ernesto Rodriguez, Adam Granicz. Piglets to the Rescue: Declarative User Interface Specification with Pluggable View Models. In Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL), Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2013. ACM, PDF.
Loic Denuziere, Adam Granicz, Anton Tayanovskyy. Visualizing data on the web. In Data-driven Functional Programming (DDFP), Rome, Italy, 2013, pp. 19-22. ACM
Joel Bjornson, Anton Tayanovskyy, Adam Granicz. Composing Reactive GUIs in F# Using WebSharper. In Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL), Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, 2010. pp. 203-216. Springer
Alex Peake, Adam Granicz. The first substantial line of business application in F#. In Commercial Users of Functional Programming (CUFP), Tokyo, Japan, 2009.