python -mvenv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note that for this step to work you need to have a virutal env installed invenv
if that is not the case specify your venv path with-v VENV_PATH
- Python3
- Windows only (requires relativley easy modification to get_fluidsynth to get it working on linux)
python <midi_file> <synthesia_file> --output-left LFOLDER --output-right RFOLDER
--output-left the folder to put the samples and labels into for the left hand,
note that they will be named out<i>.wav & out<i>.labels.npy respectively
(where i indicates the accord)
--output-right the folder to put the samples and lables into for the right hand,
note that the same rules apply as to the left hand
Output Format:
The Wav files will be pressed for one second and have a one second decay, making them
2 seconds long, they are sampled at 44100kHz
The labels are stored in npy binary format and have the following structure:
[(<first note>,<finger>),(<second note>,<finger>)...]