#Elsewhere Border
A simple, easy to use World Border mod for Forge.
##Default Config
# Configuration file
general {
# Dimension specific boundaries.
# Syntax is DimensionID:XxZ
# DimensionID = ID of the dimension you're specifying a bound for. IE: 0 for Overworld
# X = Maximum X Coordinate a player can travel to. This also goes negative. IE: 1000 will allow the player to travel between 1000 and -1000 on the X axis
# Z = Maximum Z Coordinate a player can travel to. This also goes negative. IE: 1000 will allow the player to travel between 1000 and -1000 on the Z axis [default: [0:2000x2000], [1:2000x2000], [-1:250x250]]
S:dimBounds <
# Message to send players when they have crossed the border. [default: Out of bounds, soldier!]
S:outOfBoundsMessage=Out of bounds, soldier!