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Telltale Archive Files

Ivan Panayotov edited this page Oct 13, 2024 · 1 revision

This page has information regarding Telltale Archives (TTARCH/TTARCH2).


A TTarch file is a game data archive used by a Telltale Games video games. It contains game assets, such as scripts, animations, images, and sounds. Telltale games load assets from TTARCH files during gameplay.

For more technical information, check out this page.

Recognizing what each archive stores will make modding easier. Let's start by separating the name by underscores ('_').

Example: WalkingDead_pc_WalkingDead201_txmesh turns into [WalkingDead, pc, WalkingDead202, txmesh].

The first few words describe in what game it is used and where it is being used. Some of the categories include:

Name Description
Boot These files are used during the boot process of the game.
Menu These files are used in the game's menu.
Project [WIP]
[GameName][3-digit number] The files are used in a particular episode of a game. The first digit of the number represents the season, the latter 2 digits represent the episode number.
Other uncommon types Usually for shaders, effects or localization-related files.

Example 1: WalkingDead_pc_WalkingDead201_txmesh stores the textures for episode 1 of The Walking Dead Season 2. Example 2: WDC_pc_UISeasonM_txmesh contains UI textures for The Walking Dead Michonne in The Walking Dead Collection.

The last word describes what files are stored there. The texture related ones are the following:

Name Description
  • ~90% of the textures are stored there.
  • Contains most meshes. (.d3dmesh)
  • Stands for "texture and mesh".
  • ~5% of the textures are stored there.
  • Contains other varying file types.
anichore Contains chore files with animations.
ms Contains sound files.
uncompressed Contains sound files.
lipsync Contains lip-syncing animations and chores.
chore Contains chore files.
data Contains various file formats - scripts, scenes, props, dialog/speech data, fonts, skeletons (models) and more.
  • Contains varying files. A combination of chore, ms, data and txmesh.
  • Contains some texture files.

What are the known Telltale file types?

Telltale has many different files.

Name Description
  • Contains compiled lua scripts.
anm Animations.
  • Audio files.
  • Some may cannot be opened with regular software.
d3dmesh Mesh/3D model files.
skl Contains skeletal structure for meshes.
  • Texture files.
  • Used on d3dmesh.
  • Contains references and other information used internally by Telltale's engine to create objects.
  • May contain all sorts of different objects, ranging from characters and weapons to UI elements to lighting.
  • A special type of prop file.
  • Contains all objects in a given scene.
chore Action sequences used in cutscenes.
dlg [WIP]
landb Dialog/speech information.
font Fonts. Contains a D3DTX file inside it.
bank 3rd-party format used by FMOD Studio, used for music.
fx Effects.
probe Lighting.
enl Lighting.
sprite Particles.
tmap Expressions.
_ [WIP]

If you want to edit or use these files in-game, check out Mawrak's Telltale Custscene Editor and its wiki.

Common question: Can I use files from other games?

Usually - no, but sometimes you can. Generally, it requires editing PROP files to make them work.

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