This repo contains the UI of a chat application that imitates telegram in features and theme developed as a college project in CUFE
Check our deployed website
Emails to use:
Password: 12345678
- #
- Login
- with email & password
- oauth login
- messaging:
- Reply
- Edit
- Forward
- Mention
- Delete
- Pin
- Search
- block/unblock users
- Groups and channels
- Adding/removing members
- chanage permissons
- make others admins
- Deleting group/channel
- Edit channel privacy settings
- Voice Calls
- Admin Dashboard
- Add/Remove/view/delete Stories
- Edit profile settings
- Session Management
AbdelruhmanSamy | amir-kedis | AhmedHamdiy | Asmaa-204 | sarah-kamall | shehab299 |