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TerrordactylDesigns edited this page Nov 27, 2012 · 3 revisions

Master Script List

Read what each script does and how to use it

###8ball trigger: 8ball
purpose: Ask the magic 8ball any yes/no question and find the truth.

###boo trigger: /boo
purpose: boo the song

###cheer trigger: /cheer
purpose: cheer for the song

###chuck trigger: /chuck
purpose: random Chuck Norris joke from API

###disco mode trigger: /disco purpose: make the bot flash through every avatar until its turned off by repeating the command

###haters trigger: /haters
purpose: return a random haters gonna hate meme

###hello trigger: /hello
purpose: say hello back

###like a boss trigger: like a boss
purpose: return a random like a boss meme

###let me google that for you trigger: google:
purpose: return a link of the search terms

###meow trigger: meow
purpose: return a random line from super troopers meow scene

###rich trigger: /rich
purpose: return a classic Bender quote

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