The source and RTL files coming from thales-risc-v-registers-router, thales-risc-v-jtag-router, thales-risc-v-chisel-project and thales-risc-v-fault-detector are released under the BSD 3 clauses. The modifications of the Rocket-chip generator in the thales-risc-v-chisel-project are released under the BSD 3 clauses. The rocket-chip generator is located at The solution parts of the thales-risc-v-vivado and the bistream it generates are released under the BSD 3 clauses. Modifications in the ultrascale linux, u-boot, zephyrOS and openOCD are released under GNU GPL v2 License.
We would like to thank Antmicro for the successful collaboration on this project.
This README file helps you regenerate the full project. For that you will need
- chisel tools
- Vivado licence for the Ultrascale+
- riscv-tools
- zephyr-sdk
Four IP cores have been written in chisel for this project.
- chisel-project
- registers-router
- jtag-router
- fault-detector
They are git submodules that need to be retrieved with the following script.
To regenerate the chisel projects, use this script
It will generate verilog files that need to be copied in the thales-risc-v-vivado project. To launch synthesis and implementation run the script. You will need to have vivado sourced here. It has been tested with vivado 2017.4.
The resulting bitstream should be located in thales-risc-v-vivado/project_1/project_1.runs/impl_1/
If you want to regenerate the bootloader, the kernel and the Risc-V control software you can follow the instructions in RISC-V-demonstrator--docs.pdf 5.1 US+ Processing system software
The Risc-V software consists of a ZephyrOS sample named im_alive. To re-generate it you will need to install the zephy-sdk at
After that, the ./
script should correctly generate the Risc-V executable. It will be located at riscv-zephyr/samples/im_alive/build/am_ft_devkit/zephyr/zephyr.elf
To flash the SD card for the US+ target, you can use the instructions at RISC-V-demonstrator--docs.pdf 6.1 Preparing the SD card