#Real Time plotting of MPU6050 data
from mpu6050 import mpu6050 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time
sensor = mpu6050(0x68) # Initialize the MPU6050 sensor with the correct I2C address
accel_x = [] accel_y = [] accel_z = []
gyro_x = [] gyro_y = [] gyro_z = []
plt.ion() # Turn on interactive plotting mode
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) # Create two subplots for the accelerometer and gyroscope data
ax1.set_ylim(-20, 20) # Set the y-axis limits for the accelerometer data ax1.set_title("Accelerometer Data") ax1.set_xlabel("Time (s)") ax1.set_ylabel("Acceleration (m/s^2)")
ax2.set_ylim(-250, 250) # Set the y-axis limits for the gyroscope data ax2.set_title("Gyroscope Data") ax2.set_xlabel("Time (s)") ax2.set_ylabel("Angular Velocity (deg/s)")
start_time = time.time() # Get the current time
while True: accel_data = sensor.get_accel_data() # Get the accelerometer data gyro_data = sensor.get_gyro_data() # Get the gyroscope data
current_time = time.time() - start_time # Calculate the elapsed time
ax1.plot(current_time, accel_data['x'], 'ro', label='X-axis')
ax1.plot(current_time, accel_data['y'], 'go', label='Y-axis')
ax1.plot(current_time, accel_data['z'], 'bo', label='Z-axis')
ax2.plot(current_time, gyro_data['x'], 'ro', label='X-axis')
ax2.plot(current_time, gyro_data['y'], 'go', label='Y-axis')
ax2.plot(current_time, gyro_data['z'], 'bo', label='Z-axis')
fig.canvas.draw() # Redraw the plot
plt.pause(0.001) # Pause to allow the plot to update