- Players have access to minimal resources
- Players start off in a basic spaceship (possibly a retextured elytra) and have to mine resources from meteors until they have enough to build a space station
- In space, they are required to wear a “spacesuit” (retextured armor)
- Big and bulky so they have some slowness and get tired easily
- In a completely sealed-off space station, they take off their space suits
- In the space station they can build like farms, etc to get resources from that, instead of using up fuel to go outside to mine resources
- After building a space station, players can add upgrades to their spaceship
- Larger space station = more players that can join
- Important to keep space station sealed: if the outer wall(s) is/are broken, the oxygen will escape, players without space suits on will die, plants will die
- To expand, need to build a wall around the wall that they plan to break
- Players can upgrade spaceships for long distance flight and warp to the vicinity of other space stations (each space station will be in a separate world)
- No spawn: players start with a tutorial, then get thrown into a spaceship to start
- If players die, either go to space station if they have one or restart with a spaceship
- Gravity inside space station, nowhere else
- Space stations can team up, allies can warp to each other’s space stations
- Procedurally generated planets: they initially are huge spheres with blocks on armorstand heads, but when players enter the atmosphere they get teleported to another world with the planet as that world
- Alien invasions?