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Releases: TheLegendOfMataNui/SAGESharp

SAGESharp 1.2.1

01 Mar 22:02
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  • Add SAGESharp.SLB.Character.AnimationEvents namespace
  • Add SAGESharp.SLB.Character.MoveList namespace
  • Update copyright character © by (c) as the former is not widely supported

SAGESharp 1.2.0

19 Feb 16:59
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Most of the changes in this release are reorganization of code internal to the library, however there were a couple of public changes:

  1. The namespace SAGESharp.IO was further subdivided into SAGESharp.IO.Binary for binary serialization and SAGESharp.IO.Yaml for Yaml serialization
  2. The struct SAGESharp.SLB.Identifier:
    • The ToString() method will return strings were ASCII characters before space (0x20) and after 'z' (0x7A) will be escaped between bars, example: Toa|0x10|
    • The same behavior of the ToString() method is replicated in reverse for the From(string) method
    • Methods From(string) and From(byte[]) require an exact amount of bytes (ex: will throw if you try to create an identifier from a byte[] whose length is longer than 4).
  3. All untested classes in SAGESharp.SLB were marked as internal, they will be marked as public again after they get tested
  4. Classes under the file SAGESharp/SLB/Level/Conversation.cs were moved to the SAGESharp.SLB.Level.Conversation namespace along with some renames.
  5. The enumeration SAGESharp.SLB.Level.Conversation.LineSide (formerly under the SAGESharp.SLB.Level namespace) is no longer marked with the Flags attribute and the entry for None was removed

SAGESharp 1.1.2

23 Jan 01:36
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Includes a fix for LSS and updated NUtils to use the signed version

SAGESharp 1.1.1

19 Jan 04:52
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Initial NuGet release with:

  • LSS APIs
  • BKD
    • Model classes
    • Serialization
  • SLB files models
    • Model classes
    • Serialization for SLB.Level.Conversation files