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A lightweight alternative to the original Arkitektonika but with more API routes


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Repository files navigation


The original resource by IntellectualSites can be found here

Arkitektonika is a REST repository for NBT data. It accepts uploads of valid NBT data and stores them in a local folder while accounting for its metadata in a local sqlite database. Optionally, uploaded files can be expired based on the configurable age by running the prune script. Files can always be deleted via their deletion key.

To Run

With Docker

git clone &&
cd Arkitektonika &&
docker compose up

From scratch

git clone &&
cd Arkitektonika &&
./gradlew shadowJar &&
java -jar $(find build/libs/ -name "*.jar" -print -quit)


  "port": 3000,
  "prune": 1800000,
  "maxSchematicSize": 1000000,
  "allowedOrigin": "*",
  "limiter": {
    "windowMs": 60000,
    "delayAfter": 30,
    "delayMs": 500


the limiter is not implemented yet

Config Key Description
port on which port should the application bind
prune defines how old records must be to be deleted by the prune script (in ms)
maxSchematicSize maximum size of schematic files to be accepted (in bytes)
limiter.windowMs the frame of the limiter (after what duration should the limit gets reset)
limiter.delayAfter After how many requests during windowMs should delayMs be applied
limiter.delayMs How many ms should the request take longer. Formula: currentRequestDelay = (currentRequestAmount - delayAfter) * delayMs

File structure:

├── config.json
└── database.db

config.json holds the user configuration data
database.db holds the required data for each schematic
schematics holds all schematic file data


All routes will be available at the exposed port (e.g. localhost:3000).

Get files as base64

GET INSTANCE_URL/base64/{download_key}: get the file bytes as base64 encoded string

curl --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/base64/db6186c8795740379d26fc61ecba1a24'


Code Meaning
200 Success
404 File was not found in the database
500 A server error occurred

response body: base64 string

Get file size

GET INSTANCE_URL/size/{download_key}: get the file size

curl --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/size/db6186c8795740379d26fc61ecba1a24'


Code Meaning
200 Success
404 File was not found in the database
500 A server error occurred

success body: 43554 (in bytes)

Get file expiration

GET INSTANCE_URL/expiration/{download_key}: get the file expiration date

curl --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/expiration/db6186c8795740379d26fc61ecba1a24'


Code Meaning
200 Success
404 File was not found in the database
500 A server error occurred

success body: 2717940582741 (in millis)

Set file expiration

PUT INSTANCE_URL/expiration/{delete_key}/{expiration}: set the file expiration date

curl --request PUT 'http://localhost:3000/expiration/11561161dffe4a1298992ce063be5ff9/2717940582741'


Code Meaning
200 Expiration updated
404 File was not found in the database
500 A server error occurred

Upload a file

POST INSTANCE_URL/upload: send your file as multipart/form-data; example:

curl --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/upload' --form 'schematic=@/path/to/plot.schem'


Code Meaning
200 File was of valid NBT format and was accepted
400 File was not of valid NBT format
413 File payload was too large and rejected
500 Upload failed

success body:

  "download_key": "db6186c8795740379d26fc61ecba1a24",
  "delete_key": "11561161dffe4a1298992ce063be5ff9",
  "expiration_date": 1717940582741

The download key allows you to download the file, and the delete key lets you delete it. Share the download_key, but not the delete_key.

Rename a file

PUT INSTANCE_URL/rename/{deletion_key}/{name}: rename a file with the given deletion_key ; example:

curl --request PUT 'http://localhost:3000/rename/11561161dffe4a1298992ce063be5ff9/renamed-plot.schem'


Code Meaning
200 File was successfully renamed
404 File was not found in the database

Download a file

GET INSTANCE_URL/download/{download_key}: download a file with the given download_key; example:

curl --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/download/db6186c8795740379d26fc61ecba1a24'

The response for this is in the form of status codes only.

Code Meaning
200 File was found, prospective download would succeed
404 File was not found in the database
410 File metadata is in accounting table, but file is not on disk or already expired
500 An internal server error occurred due to corrupted metadata (missing data in database)

On success, the file is sent as an attachment for download to the browser / requester.

Delete a file

DELETE PUBLIC_URL/delete/{delete_key}: delete a file with the given delete_key; example:

curl --request DELETE 'http://localhost:3000/delete/11561161dffe4a1298992ce063be5ff9'

The response for this is in the form of status codes only.

Code Meaning
200 File was found, prospective deletion would succeed
404 File was not found in the database
410 File metadata is in accounting table, but file is not on disk or already expired
500 An internal server error occurred due to corrupted metadata (missing data in database)

On success, the file is deleted and the record is marked as expired in the database.