A Kotlin DSL for creating crafting recipes in Minecraft Forge mods.
For documentation and usage instructions, please take a look at the wiki.
KDocs for the library (generated with Dokka): https://craftingrecipes.theonlytails.com/
the maven-metadata.xml
of this library.
Don't forget to replace the VERSION key with the version in the top with the Maven Central badge at the top!
repositories {
dependencies {
def craftingRecipes = fg.deobf(project.dependencies.create(group: "com.theonlytails", name: "craftingrecipes", version: VERSION) {
transitive = false
implementation fg.deobf(craftingRecipes)
repositories {
dependencies {
val craftingRecipes = project.dependencies.create(group = "com.theonlytails", name = "craftingrecipes", version = VERSION)
.apply { isTransitive = false }
The isTransitive
property is added to make sure the library is imported correctly.
Check out other DSLs in the DataGoblin family!