The Curse! is a adventure, puzzels game, based on the story of a king that how his right hand tricked and killed him to take over the control of the king's empire.
The right hand plans to keep his soul trapped in the castle prison and take the king's body to graveyard outside the castle so the king's soul can't return to his body, hence he curses his soul so that it can't get out of the castle. The King's Ghost figures out that he can control other people so he controls over others body and performs several tasks to get out of the room.
The right hand suspests some weird activities and thinks that the king's ghost might be doing all this so he calls up ghost hunters to eradicate the ghost, the king's ghost manages to reach to his body before the funereal. After the King comes back to life and takes back his throne.
You as player helps out the ghost to cross all the levels and get the ghost back to the King's body. You'll have to utilize all the mechanics of the game to cross several levels.
Trust me its possible. All THE BEST!!
- You have to press all the buttons in order to open the door.
- You can enter the door only in ghost form.
- Every character is designed for specific a task only, that'll be introduced as you complete several levels.
- You can't possesse the Hunter.
- Hunter will keep on following you, if you're too far from him hunter will stop following you.
- If you get too close to the Hunter in soul form he'll instantly shoot you.
- If you enter into a body the hunter will stop following you and can't shoot you either.
- You can kill the hunter by luring him into the toxic lake.
- Note that if you kill any other character than Hunter in the toxic lake you'll lose.
Scripts - All the scripts were handwritten with YouTube tutorials from channels like Brackeys & some ChatGPT (<5%) Art - Everything was self made using 2D pixel art softwares like Aseprite & Photoshop. Press2Start front. Sound - Most of the sound was taken from Pixabay, & some were AI generated.
Used Unity Game Engine for Development