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Implementation of Real Time Dispatching Method

Sean Óg Crudden edited this page Aug 1, 2017 · 7 revisions

This is a description of the what is currently being worked on on this fork ( of transiTime.

Implementation of Real-Time Dispatching Method


Replace current schedule by a real-time dispatching method.


Holding times recommended at control points along the route. Holding instructions communicated to dispatchers via transiTime extension. Dispatchers then instruct operators when to start their route. Dispatching method uses real-time predicted arrivals to maintain stable headways and maximize frequency of service.

Predictions are generated by a modified transiTime. This branch of transiTime provides support for frequency based services. This is as a prerequisite to integrating the described holding method into transiTime. The predictions will initially be based on an historical average. Dispatching method will replace schedules during lunchtime (11AM to 2PM) for several weeks.


Live trials completed.


Atlanta Streetcar

Performing organizations

Sean Óg Crudden, Georgia Tech