The best businessification tool on the Internets.
Have you ever wanted to lose weight, impress your boss, meet beautiful women, and finally get that promotion?
If so, sorry, we can't help you.
The Businessifier is a wordlist sanitation tool, and will remove objectionable content from wordlists, ranging from swear words to words that get you flagged by your favorite TLA.
We can confidently assert that any wordlist sanitized via The Businessifier is safe to pass a rigourous inspection by even the most conservative and discerning clients, or your money back (GPL included in repo).
Because your clients are normally very serious about business, searches for vulgar language may raise questions about your competency as a service provider, as well as as well as your general likeability and choice of fashion. The Businessifier will help prevent offensive searches, thereby reducing the number of late night phone calls you receive from angry customers.
Our crack team of Internet experts has worked around the clock to ensure that The Businessifier Detection Engine (TM) is kept current with the most cutting edge swear words and objectionable content from the dark corners of the Web. This includes words such as f**k, p**n, and even the rarely seen a*****n.
Scientific tests performed by real people wearing labs coats has shown that regular use of The Businessifier can increase client satisfaction by as much as 33%.
- Sanitize wordlists with ease!
- Detection based on real wordlists!
- Written in Python!
- Several command line flags!
- Works directly in Kali!
- Gluten free!
- Commented!
root@kali:~/tools/businessifier# ./ --help
usage: businessifier [-h] [-v] [-c CONFIGFILE] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT]
Businessify wordlists by removing inapproprate content
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
override the default config file
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
input filename, defaults to stdin
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output filename, defaults to default.bfr_out
Written by TheTwitchy. For more information, see
root@kali:~/tools/businessifier# ./ -i /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -o ~/common_sanitized.txt
The following words have been removed from the wordlist:
If you see a mistake, please open a new issue at
and include the word and wordlist source.
- Who in the world is this for?
- This is for anyone who wants to not have to explain to a client why they searched for "porn" on thier systems.
- What wordlists were used to build the initial searches?
- The dirb common wordlist was the main one, but it seems to work with most common wordlists for web directory and file brute forcing.
- Will this work with a password list for an online brute force attack?
- Probably, but maybe glance through the final wordlist to make sure it didn't miss anything. It should grab most of the obvious stuff, but something huge like rockyou will probably let a lot slip through the cracks.
- Will this work with a password list for an offline brute force attack?
- Did you read any of the docs? Go sit in the corner.
- I found a false positive/false negative.
- That's not really a question, but open up an Issue on Github and tell us what wordlist it was and what the word was.
- What wordlists are on the TODO list?
- Probably the main DirBuster wordlists once we have the time, funding, and willpower.
- I'm having trouble meeting women, what advice can you offer me?
- It all boils down to one simple rule: people want to meet and mingle with interesting people. Try to find a way to be that interesting person by going to the gym, reading books, or learning a new hobby. This has the added benefit of expanding your horizons and social circle. It's win-win for everyone.