In-memory key-value store inspired by REDIS, with RESP format and multiple connections support
- Open a terminal execute
go run main.go
- Open another terminal execute
telnet 6380
- In the second terminal execute the commands to get and set just like you do in redis
- Command to fetch value of a key
GET key
get key
- Command to set the value
SET key value
//there is support for NX and XX too
//NX->set value only if key doesn't exist
//XX->set value only if key exists
SET key value NX
SET key value XX
//there is support for EX and PX too
//EX->delete key after specified number of seconds
//PX->delete key after specified number of milliseconds
SET key value EX num
SET key value PX num
//you can use combination of both too
SET key value NX EX num
- Command to delete key
//delete single key
DEL key
//delete multiple keys
DEL key1 key2 key3
- Command to quit the connection
NOTE: If you know RESP format, you can give command in that format too :)