W210 Capstone - Spring 2020 Team Members: Joseph Butcher, Theodore Fong, Ava Rezvani
Disclaimer: Due to privacy and compliance, the files in this respository has been narrowly tailored to show aggregate results on our basic methodology in conducting exploratory data analysis (EDA) on the 45+ datasets on the USA Organ Donor System. There is no personal identifiable information on the Jupyter Notebook and the datasets are not uploaded to the repository. For all questions or concerns with this Github repository, please e-mail Theodore at theodore.fong@berkeley.edu
This project stems from a capstone project for UC Berkeley's Master of Information and Data Science Program. We were interested in exploring the US Organ Donation system. Through stakeholder analysis and EDA, we honed in to primarily look at kidney organ discard rates throughout America. To find more information, please look at our website at MaximizeTheGiftOfLife.com
There are three files in the repository:
- Butcher_Fong_Rezvani_Organ_Donation.ipynb - Jupyter Notebook walking through the basic analytics conducted over the past several months.
- SAFsLinkingDiagram.pdf - This is a pdf that highlights how the datasets are linked together. For Privacy and compliance, we did not upload the jupyter notebooks analyzing more in depth data.
- dataDictionary.html - This is the data dictionary that outlines the definition of each variable for each data set.