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Chunksize Adjustment

Thibault Bétrémieux edited this page May 31, 2022 · 3 revisions

pangres.adjust_chunksize(con: sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.Connectable, df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, chunksize: int)

Checks if given chunksize is appropriate for upserting rows in given database using given DataFrame. The chunksize represents the number of rows you would like to upsert in a chunk when using the pangres.upsert function.

Some databases have limitations on the number of SQL parameters and we need one parameter per value for upserting data. E.g. a DataFrame of 5 columns+index levels and 4 rows will require 5*4=20 SQL parameters.

This function will check the database type (e.g. SQlite) and the number of columns+index levels to determine if the chunksize does not exceed limits and propose a lower one if it does. Otherwise the same chunksize that you gave as input is returned.

This function currently takes into account max parameters limitations for the following cases:

  • sqlite (32766 max for version >= 3.22.0 otherwise 999)
  • asyncpg (32767 max)

If you know about more parameter limitations relevant for this library (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQlite or other databases I have not tested with this library that you managed to have working), please contact me.


  • con

    sqlalchemy Engine or Connection

  • df

    DataFrame you would wish to upsert

  • chunksize

    Size of chunks you would wish to use for upserting (represents the number of rows in each chunk)


  • TooManyColumnsForUpsertException

    When a DataFrame has more columns+index levels than the maximum number of allowed SQL variables for a SQL query for given database. In such a case even inserting row by row would not be possible because we would already have too many variables. For more information you can for instance google "SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER".


from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# config (this assumes you have SQlite version >= 3.22.0)
engine = create_engine("sqlite://")

# some df we want to upsert
df = pd.DataFrame({'name':['Albert']}).rename_axis(index='profileid')
profileid name
0 Albert
# adjust chunksize: 100,000 is too big of a chunksize in general for given database
# SQlite only allows 32766 parameters (values) at once maximum in a query
# since we have two columns (technically 1 column + 1 index level)
# we can only upsert in chunks of FLOOR(32766/2) rows maximum which is 16383
adjust_chunksize(con=engine, df=df, chunksize=100_000)