DEPRECATED: Development on this project has been halted in favor of more original projects (e.g. Tinker's Satchel). Recommended alternative: Lost In Transit
A mod for Risk of Rain 2. Built with BepInEx and R2API.
Adds a bunch of custom items, all based on ones which didn't make the cut from RoR1.
Release builds are published to Thunderstore:
Use of a mod manager is recommended. If not using a mod manager: extract ThinkInvis-ClassicItems-[version].zip into your BepInEx plugins folder such that the following path exists: [RoR2 game folder]/BepInEx/Plugins/ThinkInvis-ClassicItems-[version]/ClassicItems.dll
Installation of TILER2 is also required:
Building ClassicItems locally will require setup of the postbuild event:
- The middle 3 xcopy calls need to either be updated with the path to your copy of RoR2, or removed entirely if you don't want copies of the mod moved for testing.
- Installation of Weaver (postbuild variant) is left as an exercise for the user.
You may also need to change the reference path to TILER2, which is expected to be built in a parallel solution folder.