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Stream real time Tweets of current affairs like covid-19 using Kafka 2.0.0 high throughput producer & consumer into Elasticsearch using safe, idempotent and compression configurations. Aggregate the data and use it for further analytics.


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Covid19 Tweet Data Collection


Stream real time Tweets of current affairs like covid-19 using Kafka 2.0.0 high throughput producer & consumer into Elasticsearch using safe, idempotent and compression configurations. In this example, keywords like coronavirus, covid-19, pandemic are being used, Change them according to your requirements. Elasticsearch stores the tweets as JSON. Aggregate this data and use the data collected for further analytics.


To ensure a high throughput, idempotence, safe and compression configurations are enabled with respect to Kafka 2.0.0 version. In the TwitterProducer class, the variable terms can be updated to stream tweets about Current affairs. The prerequisite to running this project is to procure Twitter API credentials. To do this, # for twitter Developer account here. After creating the app and getting the OAuth credentials,consumerKey,consumerSecret,token,tokenSecret are to be used to set the variables in Set these Strings to be static. Follow the below template for

public class config {
    static String consumerKey= "";
    static String consumerSecret = "";
    static String token = "";
    static String tokenSecret = "";

To integrate Twitter streaming with Kafka, we use the Horsebird Client which is a Java HTTP client for consuming Twitter's standard streaming API.

In the ElasticSearchConsumer class, We create a consumer which is subscribed to the TwitterTopic which is being used in the TwitterProducer class and the consumer group is Twitter-Consumer-Group. Google gson library is being used to parse the tweets since they are consumed in the JSON format. We extract id_str and use it to make our consumer idempotent and BulkRequest is used to batch before committing the offsets into Elasticsearch. After setting up ElasticSearch either on premise or on the cloud. Set hostname,username,password as static variables in under the kafka-consumer-elasticsearch folder. Follow the below template for

public class config {
    static String hostname = ""; // Use localhost:9200 or Elasticsearch cloud URL
    static String username = ""; // Required only for Elasticsearch cloud
    static String password = ""; // Required only for Elasticsearch cloud



Add the bin folder location of kafka to the $PATH

Ensure that Zookeeper & Kafka servers are up and running (Open in separate terminal windows if necessary).

Command to start Zookeeper config/

Command to start Kafka server config/

In this example, we are implementing Elasticsearch on the cloud. bonsai provides a very good sandbox environment with a 3 node cluster for implementing this.

Personally recommend running Elasticsearch on local machine if and only if free & available RAM >= 5 GB so as to not turn your machine into a room heater

For the Kafka consumer to commit data into Elasticsearch, Create an index called twitter using the PUT command.


After cloning this repo, Do this for both Kafka Twitter Producer and ElasticSearch consumer

  1. Run the maven clean install command
mvn clean install

Maven will now generate a target directory with the jar Kakfa-Streaming-1.0-shaded.jar or kafka-consumer-elasticsearch-1.0-shaded.jar respectively

  1. Move into the target directory
cd target


Executing Twitter Producer

  1. Create a topic called TwitterTopic. Always have a replication factor equal or lesser than the number of available brokers. (One Time activity)
kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic TwitterTopic --create --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1
  1. Run the kafka console consumer in another terminal window with the following topic and group parameters --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic TwitterTopic --group Twitter-Consumer-Group
  1. Execute the TwitterProducer class from the shaded jar
java -cp Kakfa-Streaming-1.0-shaded.jar com.github.thomas.kafka.TwitterProducer
  1. You should now be able to see the output in your Kafka console consumer terminal.

Executing Elasticsearch Kafka Consumer

  1. Create an index in Elasticsearch called twitter in console or localhost using an PUT command
PUT /twitter


curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/twitter?pretty"
  1. Execute the ElasticSearchConsumer class from the shaded jar
java -cp kafka-consumer-elasticsearch-1.0-shaded.jar com.github.thomas.kafka.elasticsearchconsumer.ElasticSearchConsumer
  1. View all the tweets in your Elasticsearch console using GET command.
GET /twitter/_search?pretty


curl -X GET "localhost:9200/twitter/_search?pretty"

Elasticsearch Cloud Result

Tweets stored in Elasticsearch


This repository is under Apache License 2.0 - see License for more details



Stream real time Tweets of current affairs like covid-19 using Kafka 2.0.0 high throughput producer & consumer into Elasticsearch using safe, idempotent and compression configurations. Aggregate the data and use it for further analytics.






