Learnings Go concepts using the classical Book API: Dockerized and tested API, connected to database, with logs and authent management...
- ✓ Manage CRUD
- ✓ Dockerize the API
- ✓ Dockerize a database
- ✓ Use this database from API
- ✓ Use UUID instead of integer
- ✓ Better handler and validator management, using gin-gonic/gin & loopfz/gadgeto/tonic
- ✓ Setup CI
- ✓ Improve integrations tests, using ovh/venom
- ✓ Use juju/errors
- ✓ Generate swagger
- ✓ Manage migrations neatly, using rubenv/sql-migrate
- Keep HTTP calls logs
- Add broker message using
- Manage authentication
- Add channel using example
- How to manage pagination?
- Use ORM?
$ cp docker-compose.override.yml.dist docker-compose.override.yml
Prerecommit hook is setting up, using pre-commit
$ cd tests/venom
$ venom run
Go to /swagger.json